"Right now, we're in a transport vehicle on our way to the docks. We'll board a ship that'll take us to a place called Hrungnir Keep," I explained, watching his face for any sign of distress. "We should be safe there."

He nodded slowly, taking it all in. The blonde titan doctor approached, casting a professional eye over my father.

"Will he be okay?" I asked, unable to mask the concern in my voice.

"It's difficult to tell," the doctor replied, not meeting my gaze. "But being awake is a good sign."

Dad chuckled softly, then grimaced as pain shot through his gut. "It'll take more than a stab wound to take me away from you and those grandkids of mine. Don't worry, I won't leave you alone here."

I smiled, grateful for his stubbornness. "I'm counting on you, old man."

The doctor cleared her throat, urging Dad to rest some more. "I'll go let the kids know you're awake," I promised before leaving the room.

As I returned to the seating area, I couldn't help but notice the titan called Váli staring at me, his dark eyes and widow’s peak made him look like a bird of prey. I squirmed a little, but shook it off as I reached Thorsten and the twins.

"Good news!" I announced. "Dad's awake!"

"Thank the gods!" Thorsten exclaimed; relief evident in his voice. The twins echoed his sentiment.

I sat back down, turning my attention to the breathtaking landscape outside the window. Everything was lush and green. It was a far cry from both Vanir and Sahara.

"Even Vanir had some crumbling buildings and grunge under the foliage," I remarked. "And Sahara, well, it was beautiful but still had its rough spots. Utangard, though… this place is something else."

Thorsten grinned, pride shining in those silver eyes of his. "Just wait until you see Élivágar Castle. It's the most beautiful castle of them all, cradled by the branches of Yggdrasil itself."

“I can’t wait until this is all over and we go there together.”


I watched Thor and Loki playing near the docks as we waited to embark. A shy Titan child emerged from behind a stack of crates, his white curly hair and tunic robes making him resemble one of Botticelli’s angels, cautiously approached my boys. To my surprise, Thor and Loki welcomed their new playmate with open arms, and within moments, they were all playing together. It’samazing how easy it is for little kids to play with each other. Judging by his height, I would guess the child was the same age as the boys. Thorsten was right to speak his mother tongue to the boys as often as he did.

Speaking of the devil, the man himself was busy talking with the other nobles who had escaped here during the attack at the camp. The group were discussing matters far beyond my understanding. His authoritative presence was evident even from a distance, his silver eyes shining with intensity. I couldn't help but admire him, not only as my lover and the father of our children but also as a warrior and a leader.

"Beautiful ships, aren't they?" Váli's voice startled me out of my thoughts, and I turned to greet him.

"Ah, Váli! Yeah, they're quite impressive," I replied, trying to keep any lingering discomfort at bay. "Did you and Thorsten grow up together?"

Váli's face lit up with a smile. "Yes, we did. We've been friends since we were just kids."

"Really? What was he like back then?" I couldn't help but be curious about Thorsten's childhood.

"He was always protective of those he cared about," Váli said, a fondness in his voice. "I remember when a group of bullies targeted me. He stood up to them without hesitation, and we've been inseparable ever since."

"Wow," I grinned. "I'd love to hear more stories about him growing up."

"Of course," Váli replied, chuckling. "I have a few embarrassing ones to share too." My laughter mingled with his, and I felt my unease fading away.

"Tell me those first," I insisted, still grinning.

As we continued reminiscing, Váli switched the topic to something more personal. "Kal," he started hesitantly, "I've heard about the worm that was implanted in you, so you could give birth to Thorsten's children. I've heard it's quite painful when it's first implanted. Did you ever have any doubts or regrets about falling in love with him?"

"Truth be told, the pain was excruciating at first," I admitted. "But eventually, once it settled inside me, the pain went away. I never thought I'd have kids, let alone be the one giving birth to them." I gestured towards Thor and Loki playing with the Titan boy. "But now those two beautiful boys exist, and I'm the one who gave birth to them. So no, I don’t regret it one bit."

"I hope you do not take my question as an insult," Váli quickly interjected.

"No," I assured him, smiling. Curiosity piqued, I asked, "Did Utangard really have dwarves once?"

"Thousands of years ago, yes," Váli confirmed. "But they no longer exist."