The memory of what we did earlier–whathedid, I should say–makes me clamp my thighs together as a slow throb starts up between them.
As if he can read minds, Brick slides a look my way, his nostrils flaring. We make it through dinner, and I start to feel more like myself after the food and wine.
After dinner, Dane and Liz–who are obviously servants, not family because they didn’t sit down with us–clear the table. “Do you want dessert immediately?” Liz looks to Brick.
“Yes! We want dessert now!” Auggie shouts.
“Buddy, you just ate about four turkeys all by yourself. How can you be hungry for pie?” Brick asks him.
“I ate four turkeys, too!” April claims.
Brick glances back at Liz. “Give us thirty.”
“Thirty minutes!” Auggie wails loudly, letting his disappointment be known.
“That’s enough,” his mother says quietly.
Catherine stands from the table. “Come on, Auggie, let’s go see how much snow has piled up outside.”
“Oh yeah.” The boy leaps off his chair and goes running for the front door.
“I meant here at the window,” his grandmother prompts.
“I have to go potty!” April announced.
“I’ll take you, A.” Brick surges up from the table like he can’t wait to leave. He swings the little girl up into his arms and carries her off on his hip, and I try not to swoon.
Aw, screw it, I’m swooning.
“When were you going to tell us you're banging the secretary?” Billy accosts me in the hallway after I take April to use the bathroom.
“Fuck off,” I growl.
As if they were waiting for this moment, the other members of my executive team converge at the same time. It’s an ambush.
“Let’s step outside.” Nickel inclines his head in that direction.
If it were one or two of them, I would have refused, but it’s clear they have something to say to me.
And I know exactly what–or, rather, who–it’s about.
Fine. It’s time for me to put them in their places. I lead them out into the snow ,and Eagle shuts the door behind us with a click. Vance, Jake, Sully, Billy and Nickel face off with me.
“Don't you think this little dalliance of yours is something we needed to know?” Billy demands. “Did Eagle know? He’s your senior counsel, and it could affect his job.”
“I'm not–” My nostrils flare as I draw in a breath. “It was twice.” And this afternoon practically doesn’t count. It was medically necessary–I was reviving her. She nearly died of the cold out there.
Billy pins me with a condemning look.
“Ok fine. Yes, we’re–” My reluctance to define what she is to me makes it impossible for me to complete the sentence. “Stop calling her that,” I snap instead.
“What? The secretary? What do you want me to call her?”
“Call her Madison. Her name is Madison.”