“What is this?” I ask. I’m half ready to check my phone to see if I missed a notification of Brick scheduling a meetingat my apartment.

“I pick you up and drop you off from now on. Mr. Blackthroat’s orders.”

I open my mouth to argue that I take the subway then close it. “This is unexpected.”

Tony shrugs. “Don’t look a gift limo in the mouth.”

I can’t argue with that logic. I slide in and sink into the divine leather. There’s a vanilla latte waiting for me.

Holy. Crap.

My boss is spoiling me. Or is he wooing me?

Either way, I’m here for it.

I have a big smile on my face when I pull up my phone and send off Brick’s morning report with a note in the body of the email:A limo? Really?

His reply comes a minute later.I require my assistant to operate at peak efficiency. And to be on time.

I wonder if he’s going to think so charitably of me when he sees what I’m wearing. Another peek-a-boob dress that Aubrey helped me pick out. Exactly what Brick loves to hate.

And if I’m lucky, he’ll give me another informal reprimand.

* * *


My naughty assistant waits for me at the head of the conference table, looking like all my dirty fantasies. I should bend her over the conference table and spank her for insubordination.

The moment I think it, I nearly lose control. I can’t touch her again. It’s getting too intense for me.

I settle for a raised eyebrow at her cleavage. She smirks at me.

“I see you’re early today.”

“Yes.” She leans close under the pretense of handing me my meeting agenda. “I’m so grateful to Tony.”

“Only Tony?”

“Yes. He brought me a vanilla latte and everything. It almost made up for the time my boss disciplined me in the middle of a restaurant.”

“Your boss sounds like a dick.”

“He is.”

The door opens, and my pack brothers file in to take their seats. Even if we whisper, they’ll hear every word. As it is, Billy shoots me a questioning glance before glaring at Madi.

She ignores him, striding to the side of the room and turns on the video screen. Nickel’s face appears, his wrinkled brow smoothing when he sees us assembled.

“Nickel, good of you to join us so early in the morning.” It’s before dawn in California. “How’s the weather?”

“Sunny with a slim chance of mergers.” Nickel spends the next few minutes outlining the mood around Benson insurance. “Benson Senior is furious about his son’s actions. Junior was supposed to show up to a meeting here but blew it off. They’re trying to get a hold of him now. His shares give the Adalwulf’s more voting power, and Aiden is against the merger.”

I crumple the printed agenda into a ball. “We need something to clinch this deal. We cannot lose to the Adalwulfs.”

“We spent too much time trying to sweet talk the son,” Nickel says. “We need another way in. There are no bad ideas.”

Madi opens her mouth but hesitates. I wouldn’t notice it except I’m tuned into her.