ME: Welcome to the singles club where there are plenty of fish. Feel free to dive right in. The water’s warm.
TEAGAN: Only you . . .
KNOX: It’s been so long, I’m not sure I even remember how to flirt.
ME: Uh oh. Do I sense a lack of self-esteem here? Maybe some self-doubt? Bruh, you can bounce a quarter off your abs. And you’re a motherfucking Riverside Rebel. Don’t be so modest.
KNOX: Maybe. Your biceps are better, though.
I grin and type.
ME: True, but you have that crooked smile chicks go crazy for.
KNOX: Nah. You have all that thick, dark messy hair girls like to run their hands through.
ME: Your buzz cut has its own appeal. And don’t forget your big puppy dog eyes.
KNOX: Thanks. I do like my eyes.
ME: As you should. Shit, maybe we should just get married?
KNOX: I mean, it depends. Who’s the dominant one in this situation?
TEAGAN: Aaaaannnd now it’s getting weird.
ATLAS: Yeah, I was done with this conversation five minutes ago.
GRAHAM: I puked in my mouth a little.
ME: Pffft. I’m comfortable with my sexuality, okay? Anyone would be lucky to have me.
TEAGAN: If you could stay interested long enough.
I grimace.
ME: That’s fair.
Music pumps through the back of the house, spilling out onto the patio. There’s a good-sized crowd, but nothing outrageous. Most of the partygoers seem to be hanging in the backyard where there’s a keg stationed.
I accept a plastic cup full of the frothy liquid from the dude manning the keg as I take in my surroundings. To our right, a game of beer pong is underway. A few yards down, several people surround a small fire pit that reminds me of a subpar version of our bonfires at Crow’s Creek, and I’m suddenly hit with a pang of longing for Riverside.
Shrugging it off, my gaze scans the groups of people standing around and chatting, landing on a figure lounging on a folding chair, hand tucked behind his head, a girl on his lap.
Fucking Stanley.
He has the same smarmy grin on his face, and is wearing a pink polo shirt, the collar flipped up. “What’s he doing here?” I ask, glaring in his direction.
Chris and Damon both follow my gaze to where he’s grinning at the girl now leaning toward him for a kiss. A girl who is definitelynotBrynn.
I feel a moment of relief as I make the assumption she ditched his sorry ass before I remember the way she spoke about him today. I most definitely got the impression they’re at least still talking, if not dating.
“Stanley?” Damon asks, a hint of surprise in his tone. “He’s Psi Delta.”
My gaze snaps to Damon and I curse under my breath. How did I forget? I remember him mentioning it the first time I caught him flirting with Brynn on campus. It strikes me as odd that Brynn isn’t here, but then maybe he didn’t invite her. Or maybe he finds her easily replaceable. Who the hell knows? All I know is his demeanor as the brunette bombshell on his lap crushes her mouth to his lends itself to every preconceived notion I have of him.
“What do you know about him?” I ask as I drill holes in his skull with my eyes.
Damon shrugs. “Not much. Dave, the fraternity prez, is my boy, and I remember him mentioning him. I don’t think he cares for him. The two butted heads a lot last year when Stanley rushed. But that’s all I know.”