Page 148 of Tell Me You Love Me

I groan as I take a step back and rake a hand through my hair. I can’t think clearly when she’s this close. I have half a mind to make her a genuine offer to live with me, and I would if I actually thought she’d accept. That’s how serious I am about her. But I know how much having the full college experience and making girl friends means to her, so I don’t.

“You’ll call if you need anything?”

She nods, and when I take another step back, she steps up onto the sidewalk.

“Tell Charlotte and Samantha I said hello.”

“Will do.”

I point. “And tell Elizabeth this isn’t over. If she even fucks up once, I’ll see her in court.”

Brynn laughs and rolls her eyes, then blows me a kiss, and I feel my heart fucking balloon in my chest. “Love you, Cupcake.” I wink.

Crimson blooms in her cheeks. “Love you back.”



Aburst of chillyautumn air whips through the stadium, steeling my breath. The score is tied with less than a minute on the clock. My nerves are shot. I’m not sure how much I can take as I watch the guys take the field after a timeout.

I stand in the section meant for family and friends of the Griffins, wedged between my parents. My father proudly wears a Wildcats jersey to support our brother, which has earned him quite a few dirty looks from Griffin fans until I boldly shouted, “That’s my brother” when Teagan caught an interception only ten minutes into the game. Now the fans around us have begrudgingly accepted we’re straddling the fence. Though if I’m being honest, as proud as I am of my brother, my feet are firmly planted on Griffin ground.

Number 87, Jace’s number, is emblazoned on my cheek in glittery blue paint. I’m wearing his oversized jersey with a pair of leggings and a scarf to ward off the cold.

My breath fogs out in front of me as I glance over at my mother, her hands clasped in prayer. I wonder who she’s praying for, since she’s wearing a jersey she handstitched, one-half Griffins, one half Wildcats. But that’s Mom, loving us all equally and not wanting to choose sides.

I watch as Jace lines up in his spot at the end of the line, and my heart does a little flip inside my chest. Watching him in uniform doing his thing is probably the sexiest thing on the face of the planet, and I have to fight my mind from drifting to places I don’t want it to go with my parents beside me.


The quarterback snaps the ball, and I suck in a breath, watching as Jace manages to get around the man covering him. His feet fly across the turf. He waits until he’s hit his target, only feet from the end zone before he turns, arms outstretched, as Damon launches the ball in a perfect spiral.

Time slows, and I hold my breath as a defender reaches for it, nearly grabbing Jace’s arm in what surely would’ve been a pass interference call if it weren’t for Jace, quick on his feet, taking one giant step forward to meet the ball. He catches it, cradling it in his arms as he turns, weaving just out of reach, and takes a running leap into the end zone headfirst, scoring the winning touchdown.

I lift my arms in the air as screams erupt all around us.

A glance at the clock tells me there are only twenty-four seconds left in the game. Enough time for the field goal and extra point. The Griffins win.

Jace spikes the ball on the ground and turns as his teammates make a beeline straight for him. I recognize Chris by the number on his back as he smacks Jace’s helmet, then grabs his face mask and yells something excitedly into his face, then retreats. Damon is next, followed by the others. I watch them celebrate, my heart growing by the second, before he turns to the stands, finding mefirst before forming a heart with his gloved hands. He places it in front of his chest then points at me, and I catch my breath.

Behind his helmet, I know he’s wearing one of his sexy smirks, and even from a distance, I can picture his smoldering blue eyes, and melt.

He turns to his teammates and joins in with the celebrations when out of nowhere, a player in a Wildcat jersey jogs across the field. It only takes a few minutes for me to realize it’s Teagan.

They slap hands and exchange words for a moment before Jace draws him in for one of those one-armed bro hugs guys do. Once they part, they walk side by side off the field, and I’m not sure what they’re doing until they continue toward us in the stands.

I descend the bleachers with my parents beside me, leaning over the railing as Jace yanks his helmet off, revealing a mass of sweat-damp hair. He jogs the rest of the way to meet me with Teagan trailing behind him, headed for my parents.

“Nice jersey, Cupcake,” Jace lifts his chin and stops in front of me, his breath fogging the space between us.

I smile, leaning down to take his face in my hands, staring into the eyes of the man I love. “I thought you’d like it.”

He hums under his breath as I lean closer, my mouth hovering just above his. “More than you know.”

I shift at the last minute, my cheek grazing his as my lips brush the shell of his ear. “Maybe I’ll let you take it off me later.”


“Promise,” I whisper, then turn my head and kiss him.