Page 10 of Needing Shianne

"So, I say this. Let me deal with letting Lara know I'm taking you to dinner. I'll let her know if we decide we don't like spending time together, we'll be mature adults about it."

She continued to stare into his eyes. Her body was slightly shaking as he continued to speak. Was this really happening? She was finally, finally, going on a date with Myles? She'd been waiting, dreaming, hoping for nearly two years about him. It was like her brain just couldn't get to the point where it actually accepted this was going to happen.

"I can be mature." She added softly.

He chuckled and she finally let her eyes drop to his mouth. His sinfully, full, perfect mouth. He had the straightest, whitest teeth she'd ever seen. She licked her lips to wet them, they felt so dry. She swallowed to moisten her throat. Then shifted her feet slightly so she would remain standing.

When he spoke again, his voice had deepened and seemed all velvety smooth. She had to fight her eyes from closing and just listening to him speak.

"So, I'll pick you up at six o'clock tonight at your place for dinner."

"I can write down my address..."

He laughed. "I know where you live."

"You do?"

"You know my job, right? And I've been interested in you for a long time, Shianne. But outside sources kept me away. Not anymore."

She whispered back, "Not anymore."

"Good. So, six tonight. Right?"

"Yeah." It barely came out of her mouth. Her breathing felt constricted, and she fought the guilt creeping into her mind. Lara was her best friend. "Maybe I should talk to Lara."

He stood taller, squeezed her hands once again, then let go. She felt sad at the loss of touch, and his warmth left her. "Are you sure?"

She inhaled a deep breath and squared her shoulders. "Yeah. I want her to know I didn't mean to tell you that she had concerns. And I don't want her to be mad."

"If she has further concerns, I'll talk to her."


He grinned and she felt butterflies flutter in her belly.

"I've got to get out by Henry. Smile before I go."

Her eyes widened. She was surprised to hear him ask that. She smiled at him, and he grinned again. "Perfect. See you later."

She watched his perfect ass stride to the front door and fanned herself as her face and chest heated. She glanced at the time on her watch and saw she had twenty minutes before the store opened. She raced to the door and locked it then tore through the store to the office and pulled her purse from the back of her door. Then, she beelined to the back door, locked it outside and jumped in her car.

Her hands were shaking as she started her car. Her breathing came in spurts. She pulled from her parking space and headed down Main Street and turned left on First Street.

She passed the law offices and the library/bookstore and turned into Lara's Delights parking lot. She hurried from her car and into the store. It always smelled fantastic in here and she remembered she hadn't eaten today as her tummy growled. Lara came from the backroom, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Hey, there. Need something for breakfast?"

"Yeah." Shianne turned and saw the shop was empty. "It's slow today."

Lara laughed. "You just missed the before-work crowd. It's now my lull before lunch time."

"Oh. I'll take a breakfast muffin please and a cup of tea."

"Sure." Lara hurried behind the counter and prepared her tea and muffin. She packed them up in a to-go container and Shianne's nerves began giving her fits. Her fingers shook as she pulled her credit card from her wallet. She dropped it on the floor and stooped to pick it up only to drop it again. "Shit."

Bending again, she picked it off the floor and stood to see Lara standing before her watching with interest.

"What's going on with you?"