Page 58 of Needing Shianne

Shianne grinned. “That would be nice. How long will you wait to have another one?”

“About seven months.”

Shianne smiled. “That’s nice, Barrett…” She stared at her friend. “Oh, my gosh. Really? You’re pregnant?”

Lara laughed and nodded. She looked over at her mother-in-law, Sophie, who beamed. “Now, you and Myles will need to hurry so our children can grow up together.”

Shianne laughed. “How about we get married first?”

“Deal. Speaking of, let’s get going. We’ve got to round up the kids and get them to their fathers, so we can get you married. Give us fifteen minutes.”

She watched as the mothers and grandmothers gathered babies and belongings and hustled out of the room. The quiet that fell on the room was welcome.

Shianne smiled at her mom. “Wow, who knew how loud all these little ones could be.”

Her mom laughed. “It was all of the happiness in this room that made it loud. Today is a good day. A happy day and everyone here are happy for you and Myles.”

Shianne nodded. “I can feel it.”

“Good. Walk down the aisle to your husband with that love and happiness in your heart.”

“Thanks Mama. I will.”

Her mom dabbed at tears, and she blinked furiously to keep tears from smearing her makeup. Again.

Lara breezed through the door. “Okay Shianne. Let’s go change your last name.”

Laughing, she floated to Lara, her best friend and matron-of-honor, and hurried up the stairs to her soon-to-be husband.

The instant she stepped into the vestibule, the music they’d carefully chosen, floated to her. Her heart raced as she stood at the back of the vestibule, behind her bridesmaids, and Lara, waiting for her turn to glide down the aisle. Her mom kissed her cheek as the ushers escorted her to her seat and her father stepped to her side with a smile. “You are stunning, Shianne.”

“Thank you, Dad. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby girl.”

She swallowed the knot in her throat and threatened herself with a pinch if she didn’t stop tearing up.

Taking another deep breath, she slipped her arm into her father’s and the music swelled as her turn to walk finally arrived.

The congregation stood but all she really saw was Myles. He stood looking so handsome in his tuxedo at the front of the church. His hands were folded in front of him, his posture picture-perfect. But, what she really noticed was the smile on his face.

She stared at him, her beacon in the dark, as she drew closer. He never looked away from her. As they reached him, he stepped down and shook her father’s hand.

“You take good care of my girl, Myles.”

“It will be my honor to do so.” Myles smiled at her father, and he turned and kissed her cheek. “I’m proud of you, Shianne.”

“Thank you, Daddy.”

She turned to Myles, who held his arm out to her. He winked at her and that did funny things to her insides. He had a secret weapon in that wink.

They stepped up to the altar and the minister stood before them. “Ready?” He whispered.

Shianne nodded then turned to Myles. “I’m ready.”

“Me too.”

The minister began the ceremony. And soon, they were husband and wife. Joined together with a sacred vow and a kiss to seal the deal.