Page 55 of Needing Shianne

Myles grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. He whispered in her ear. "We can honeymoon in Florida on February first while we're down there."

"That's not a lot of time."

"Look what you’ve managed here Shianne. You have the dress. Do it again. This time, everyone will help you."


January thirty-first arrived with a frosty breeze, but the air smelled fresh and clean, and Shianne’s spirits were far from frosty. Today was her wedding day and she couldn’t wait.

The past four weeks had been a whirlwind of planning and organizing and preparing for today. Her mom jumped in with enthusiasm, rather than complaining about the lack of time for such things. Which made it all the more exciting.

Lara was her usual helpful self. She offered so much advice, and of course, she baked the wedding cake.

Rolling over in her bed, she frowned that Myles wasn’t there with her this morning. His mom, though not particularly one to be steeped in formalities and rules, insisted on Myles not seeing her before the actual wedding. He’d already seen her in her dress the night of the New Year’s Ball, but Shianne took it as a sign that Jax wanted things to be perfect for them, and she complied. In everything else, Jax had been a dream.

They’d stayed at the HOG this month to help with planning and of course, to get as much time with Richard as they could. Jax may like to think she’s tough, and she is, but she was a ball of mush when it came to Richard. Dodge was too.

Shianne smiled as she thought about her new family.

Her phone rang and she rolled over to grab it from her nightstand. “Morning.”

“Hey there, sexy. Good morning.”

She rolled to her back and stared at the ceiling. “Good morning to you too. Does your mom know we’re talking?”

His sexy chuckle sent a riot of shivers down her body. He’d be hers legally today. That thought made her dizzy. She never thought it would happen.

“She doesn’t need to know everything. Besides, I don’t think it’s wrong that we talk. I’m just not supposed to see you before you walk down the aisle. I guess it’s old superstition or tradition or something from back in the day when a groom barely knew his bride. It was his first glimpse of her as she made her way toward him.” He chuckled. “What if he didn’t like what he saw?”

She giggled. “What if she didn’t like what she saw?”

“Well, I know I’ll love what I see,” he sighed. “I can’t wait for the clock to strike noon. Why didn’t we plan this for eight o’clock this morning?”

She laughed out loud. “Because first of all, your mom said she wasn’t getting up that early. Remember? And, Maya said, she needed time in the morning to get herself and Richard ready for the day.”

“They don’t need that much time. In the meantime, we’re suffering.”

She laughed again and closed her eyes. She inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I really love you, Myles. I feel so lucky to be marrying you.”

He chuckled. “It’s me who is lucky, but don’t let the bride know or she may change her mind.”

“Hardly.” She sat up and looked at the sun shining brightly outside. It glinted off a car window as it turned into the driveway.

“Okay, well, my mom just pulled into the driveway, so I guess I’m going to have to say good-bye for a few hours.”

Myles groaned. “Love you, Shianne. See you at the altar.”

“Love you too, Myles. I’ll be the one in the white dress with gold applique on it.”

“I remember how you looked in that dress and I already can’t wait to take it off of you. Think about that when you put it on this morning.”

Her heartbeat sped up and her doorbell rang. “Gotta go. Love you.”

“See you later.”

She ended the call and rushed to the front door. Her mom held a bakery bag, and a tray with coffee.

“Mom, I have a coffee maker. I could have made you some.”