Page 24 of Needing Shianne

There it was. Jasiah chuckled and put his arm around Maya.

"I'm aware of where Glen Hollow is."

Maya chuckled. "Oh, okay. Cause your text said you were coming up here to look at the lights." She leaned slightly and looked at Shianne. "Did some of those lights fall down your dress Shianne?"

Oh. My. God. If there was any light on them at all right now, her face would be red as a beet. No doubt. Her cheeks felt hot, and she actually thought she was having her first hot flash. She was only thirty years old, how could she be having hot flashes already.

Myles saved her from having to say anything. "That's enough, Maya. What are you doing out here at eight months pregnant?"

"I have to get exercise and you told me you were going to be up here, and we wanted to say Hi." Maya leaned over once again to look at her. "Hi."

Shianne found her voice, "Hi." It sounded weak but she was beginning to get over her embarrassment. After all, they were adults. They were only kissing. Fully clothed. And consenting. She had nothing to be embarrassed about. Except she was.

She took a deep breath as Myles opened his door and stepped out. He hugged Maya tightly and she saw the smile on Maya's face change. She loved her brother. Of course, she did. But they had a twin bond and it suddenly hit Shianne, that Maya likely needed a hug from Myles and knew they were there. So, she came to get a hug.

Shianne opened her door and stepped out of the truck. The rocky area was slightly treacherous in her heels, but she took it slow as she walked around the front of the truck. Myles stepped back and held his hand out to her. "I could have helped you."

She smiled into his face. "I'm fine. You needed to hug your sister."

She saw him smile and realized that was right too. He needed to hug Maya as much as she needed to hug him. She'd need to always remember and understand that bond.

Jasiah leaned forward and shook her hand. "It's nice to formally meet you Shianne."

"It's nice to meet you too."

Maya stepped into Jasiah's arm, which he held out for her. Shianne noticed how full and round her belly was and smiled. "It won't be long now it seems."

Maya's hands smoothed over her belly. "Just a couple more weeks. Since our anniversary, we've been taking night walks, so I sleep better."

Her head tilted up to Jasiah. He nodded. "Otherwise, her legs are going a mile a minute while I'm trying to sleep. So, we come out here, get fresh air, exercise, and are able to rest a bit better. Plus, in a couple of weeks, we'll have a little one to carry with us."

Maya's brows rose. "Excuse me. I'm carrying it now."

Jasiah laughed. "I don't argue that. I only meant it will require blankets and contraptions and a host of other stuff."

Maya nodded.

Myles absently squeezed her hand as they stood there. She squeezed him back gently.

Maya chuckled. "So did you have a good meal at Porter’s?"

Shianne nodded. "It was wonderful. Everything is decorated for Christmas and is beautiful."

Jasiah squeezed Maya's shoulders. "I'm hoping my gift for Christmas this year is a little one. And Maya's rather hoping to have childbirth over by then too."

"I sure am. Good gracious I'm ready. I pee all the time. My feet are swollen, and I don't fit into most of my clothes now."

Myles chuckled. "It won't be long."

Maya took a deep breath. "Anyway, speaking of peeing, we need to get home. You're welcome to come up and visit us. If tonight doesn't work, please come up and visit us soon." Maya looked into her eyes. "Both of you."

Shianne smiled at her. She could be sassy, but she was a good person. "Thank you. I'd love that."

She felt Myles squeeze her hand again and her heartbeat picked up.

Myles stepped forward and hugged Maya once more. Then he hugged Jasiah briefly. "We'll make it another night if that's all right?"

"Sounds good. I'll text you."