Page 22 of Needing Shianne

His stomach growled again, and she laughed. "Your stomach is saying, finally!"

He chuckled. "Something like that."

She took the first bite of her salmon and closed her eyes a moment savoring the flavors.

"Is it good?"

She opened her eyes and stared into his. Hers were a beautiful blue. The shade of a summer sky. Her lashes were thick and full. It was his new favorite color. "Yes. So good. How about your steak?"

"Perfect." He took another bite.

After swallowing, he took a deep breath. "Honestly, have you been interested in going out with me for a long time?"

She smiled. "Yes. And you?"

"Yes. I'm mad at myself now for not moving sooner."

She shrugged. "Me too. I promised Lara I wouldn't get involved with the operatives and I was trying to honor my word. But I saw you the first day you came to town. Just before Aidyn and Elena left. I remember staring at you as you unloaded your truck. You were so handsome, and you never gave me a second look. So, I stared at you from afar."

"I gave you a second look. A third look and a fourth look. But you never seemed to be interested."

She sighed and took a drink of her cocktail. "Boy were we stupid. This could actually be our second anniversary if we hadn't been so dumb."

He chuckled and shivers moved through his body at the anniversary comment. Lost time. It was the greatest loss. You could never get it back. "So, let's agree to not waste any more time."

He saw her neck move as she swallowed. "I agree not to waste any more time."

"Good. Are you hungry for dessert?"

She laughed and he enjoyed the sound. He'd make her laugh again and again. "No. My goodness no. I'm sure it would be delicious, but this is all I can handle."

"Okay. I agree."

Their waitress stopped by. "You folks doing all right?"

"Yes. Thank you." She smiled.

Myles watched her with wonder. She was genuinely a nice person. He'd thank his lucky stars tonight. All he ever dreamed about was finding someone who was truly good. He came from a good family, and he only wanted to bring home someone good. Maya had managed to do that. And since his sister had married, he'd thought more and more about what that meant for him. When Maya had her baby, he'd only want a good person close to the baby. He felt that in his heart and soul.

"Will you be at the shop tomorrow so I can pick up my dress Shianne? I couldn't get in today."

"I sure will, Jenny. I'll be open at nine."

"Good thing. I'll be there at nine."

"See you then."

Myles grinned at Shianne as she chatted away. No wonder her business did well in town. People genuinely liked her.

Jenny brought the check, and he nabbed it right away. Laying his card in the leather wallet Jenny set on the table, he closed the wallet and scooted it to the edge of the table.

He looked into Shianne's eyes and his stomach twirled. "I can't believe we're finally here," she whispered.

"I was just thinking the same thing."

"So, is Maya feeling okay?"

He grinned. "So, she never complains. But I saw her yesterday and she looked good. Her eyes were clear and bright, and she seemed chipper and happy."