Page 6 of Needing Shianne

She showered, blew her hair dry, dressed in a cute pair of leather-look black leggings, slipped her feet into a pair of black knee boots, and wore a fuzzy lightweight pink sweater on top. Happy with her ensemble, she grabbed her cross-body purse and left her house. The air was crisp again today, but it was supposed to warm a bit this afternoon. The weatherman said it would get up into the low fifties. A bit unseasonably warm, but she'd take it.

She drove through town, checking out the Christmas decorations popping up on the lawns of her neighbors. In another week, the town would look so festive.

Pulling into her parking space behind the store, she took in a deep breath and mentally prepared to get all of her work done in record time. She could do this. It was such a boon to have all these sales. But she'd seriously need to consider finding someone to come in and help her with this portion of the business. Maybe one of the high school girls after school.

She unlocked the back door and stepped inside, then locked the door again. She hung her purse on the hook on the back of her office door, then turned and perused the desk and its plethora of paperwork. She needed to get a bit more organized before she could hire someone. Her system worked for her, but it might be hard for someone else to see what was going on. She'd set up a file system for her orders. That should take care of the mess on her desk. But, it would also have to wait for later.

She moved through the store and turned on some lights. She had an hour before the store actually opened, giving her the time, she needed. Stepping into the storage room, and the little coffee cart she had back there, she made herself another cup of tea, pulled boxes from the shelf, stacked tissue paper on top of the boxes, and carried them out to the sales counter. Moving back to grab her tea, she nabbed the tape roller as she left the storeroom.

Arranging her items on the counter, she sauntered to her office, picked up the pile of papers she had on the right side of her desk, and carried it out to the counter. Now she was ready.

Lifting the top order form, she walked around the store and picked the items from her racks. This order had three items in it. Two blouses and a pair of dress slacks.

She meticulously folded the garments, opened the flattened box, tapped the bottom, then wrapped the clothing in tissue paper and placed it in the box. She handwrote her note on the little tablet she kept near the computer for checkout. Laying it on top of the clothing, she added a little flower sticker to hold the note on top of the tissue paper, then folded the box tops in, and taped it closed.

She shook the mouse on her computer to wake it up, then pulled up the order and printed the shipping label. As it printed, she wrote the date on the bottom corner of the invoice and set it behind the counter. It was a simple process and one she could handle.

Arranging the label on the box, she set it on the floor at the end of the counter and started the process all over again.

A reflection outside caught her attention, and she saw the young woman from yesterday afternoon drive slowly past the store. Shianne watched the car go by, waited a beat, remembered the dress the woman wanted, then looked at the clock. She was probably checking the store hours on the window or something. With a shrug, Shianne continued with her next order.

Another reflection of the sun glinting off a vehicle's windows had her glancing out the window once more. That car again. She might as well wave the woman in. She'd get nothing done watching her all day.

Shianne stepped to the door and unlocked it. Pushing it open she waved at the woman as she drove by once more. She pulled into the lot and Shianne waited at the door for her to park her vehicle.

She stepped out of her car and hesitated.

Shianne smiled to put her at ease. "Good morning. Come on in, I'll get your order before the general public begins coming in."

The woman was small. Petite in build. Her hair was dark and hung over her shoulders. It looked as though it needed a good trim and style, the ends were broken and frayed. But it was her eyes that were catching. The greenest green Shianne had ever seen. She'd be a beauty with a bit of help. She wore no makeup, though her skin was clear and didn't need anything covering it up.

She wore a hoodie that hung to mid-thigh. Under that, she saw black leggings and high-top tennis shoes. A thought ran through Shianne that she didn't look to be of age, but then again, at thirty-two, Shianne had noticed that the younger folks looked far younger than they actually were. She and Lara had chatted about that a lot recently.

"I'm here for the Teal Fenty S extra-large. I meant to call so you'd have it ready, but thought I'd drive by instead."

Shianne shrugged. "I can get it for you. I'm here packing up orders anyway."

"Do you have mine packed up?"

"Not yet."

She stepped back and the young woman entered the store. She glanced around the store silently and Shianne felt a bit nervous that the shop was being evaluated.

"How long have you had this business open?"

"I'm starting my ninth year."

"Wow. Nine years. And you can't seem to make a living without selling certain other things?"

Shianne's brows furrowed. "I'm doing just fine thank you. Since I've been selling on the internet, things have picked up remarkably well."

"But the risk. You could lose all of this."

Shianne cocked her head to the side. "I don't think I understand."

The young woman shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I'd give anything to work in a place like this and I sure as shit wouldn't risk it for "internet" sales." She used air quotes for internet.

Inhaling a cleansing breath, Shianne shook her head quickly and then strode to the rack where the Fenty Samuels hung. She pulled the extra-large off the rack and turned to face the young woman. "I have to once again tell you this is far too much for you."