Page 49 of Needing Shianne

He swallowed. "That was delicious." Shaking his head. "No baby yet. Mom and Dad just got up the mountain. Dad texted and said they were there."

"Hopefully soon. I know she's ready."

He laughed. "More than ready. Yesterday she pointed to her belly and yelled, 'Get out.'"

Everyone laughed. It felt good. He felt like he belonged here.

Troy held up his glass. "Are you ready for a drink?"

"Thank you. I am ready for sure."

He winked at Shianne, left the room with her father, and let this family gathering settle into his heart.


Shianne giggled. "I can't imagine what this surprise is."

The town passed by as Myles drove down Main Street. He pulled into her boutique parking lot. She furrowed her brows and stared at him.

He chuckled and got out of the truck. She watched him move around the front of the truck. His shoulders back, his handsome face had a grin on it that made her tummy flip. Actually, everything about him made her tummy flip.

He opened her door and held his hand out for her. Something she'd grown so used to it felt natural. She stepped from his truck, and he held her hand as he opened the door to her boutique. Holding the door open, he ushered her inside with his hand at the small of her back. He twisted the lock and moved her toward the back of the shop.

At the doorway to the storage room, he turned and looked at her. He kissed her lips softly. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

He reached in and flipped on the lights. She stared at the room that used to be a smattering of shelves and hanging racks. Boxes of varying sizes stacked haphazardly on the shelves had disappeared. Now, she stared at perfectly organized shelves, labeled, with all of her clothing items. The boxes were all gone. He pulled her further into the room. "So, see the differing colors? Pinks are tops and sweaters. Greens are slacks. Blues are dresses. Reds are jewelry items." He pulled open a red drawer, all of her jewelry items were organized in separate cubbies.

"Over here are your orders. These are the orders you had printed to wrap up after Christmas. You keep them in this bin here."

"Then, here we have hanging organization. When you're packaging up an order, you hang your order here." He showed her by pulling a dress out and expertly hanging it on a hanger. After you've gathered everything for this order, you lay it on the table here, fold it, and pack it." He laid it on the table on the back wall by the bathroom. "Under the table here are all the packing supplies. Boxes, poly mailers, envelopes, tissue paper, tape. Everything. All in one place."

Her mind raced. He had it so organized and on top of it all, it looked so pretty. She turned slowly to take in everything. The white shelves with their color coding added a touch of color and the cubes offered organization. Everything was orderly and efficient. She'd never have thought of this on her own.

"Say something," Myles urged.

Her eyes met his. She opened her mouth and then snapped it closed. "I don't know what to say. It's stunning. So organized. Pretty."

He beamed. "I think it turned out pretty incredible. I mean, if I do say so."

She laughed. "Yes, say so."

She leapt into his arms. Her lips met his and she tried to pour all of her feelings into her kiss. A buzzing sound brought her attention to the fact that they had commitments to keep today. Her brows furrowed and he gently set her feet on the ground.

"Sorry, that's my phone."

He pulled it from his pocket and grinned. "Dad."

He tapped the phone and put it to his ear. "Hey, Dad."

She stopped listening and slowly walked around her new storeroom. She couldn't wait to work in here. She wouldn't have to be embarrassed to let customers use the bathroom anymore. Craning her neck, she looked at the shelves and cubbies all the way to the ceiling. She stopped on a white object in the corner. She looked at the other corners and found another diagonally from the first one.

"They're cameras. I know you let customers use the bathroom back here, but it's also a haven for theft. So, now there are security cameras. They'll turn on when someone enters the room here and you'll be able to make sure they don't take anything."

"Oh, Myles, that's amazing."

His grin was adorable. And his cheeks tinted pink. Cute.