Page 40 of Needing Shianne

"So, you know this took far too long. You should have let me know right away that Princess here didn't have the drugs. You told me you were working on it, and she was jerking you around. I could have had you out there searching for an actual buy."

Shianne opened her mouth to defend her honor. She wasn't jerking anyone around, but Neve answered, and her tone was off.

"I'm not a searcher. I'm a courier."

Boss Man raised his voice. "You're whatever I tell you you are."

Neve inhaled a deep breath and frowned. Maybe she'd be an ally and Shianne could actually get out of here. Shianne stared at her, hoping to make eye contact. Neve kept her eyes on Boss Man.

"Fine." Neve barked.

Boss Man leveled a look on her that made Shianne shudder. Neve didn't seem to so much as flinch. She was obviously used to him. Shianne swallowed and hoped he didn't hit Neve.

Boss Man looked across the room at Smelly Man, who was in what passed for a kitchen in this little place, digging in the refrigerator. "Get out of the goddam fridge. Chrissakes the last thing you need is to eat again."

Smelly Man closed the fridge door hard and leaned against the counter, facing Boss Man.

"Geeze," he griped.

Boss Man sat back and let his eyes rest first on Smelly Man, then they slid to Neve and locked on her for a few seconds.

"Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to ransom Princess Fashion Designer here for the Fenty we need. I've got the cartel breathing down my fucking back for the Fenty and the money, and I need it like yesterday. So, we're going to have little Fashion Pants here call her boyfriend, if he's still alive, and tell him I'll let her go if he brings me ten pounds of Fenty."

Neve straightened. "Ten pounds. That's close to one hundred grand. Are you kidding? If we get caught, that's the rest of our lives in prison."

"Then don't get caught."

"I'm not getting involved in that. No way."

"You're already involved Neve. Stop telling me what you're going to do and get ready to meet Princess’s boyfriend."

Neve finally looked at her, but it was more of a glare and Shianne's hopes of an alliance faded quickly. Neve shook her head and puffed her cheeks out before blowing air into the room.

"Neve, your attitude lately is concerning."

"I'm sick of being out on the road. I'm sick of this life. I'm sick of all of it. I don't want to do this anymore. This is my last job."

"I'll tell you when it's your last job."

"The fuck you will. This is it. You've put me at too much risk."

Boss Man stood. He was faster than he looked, and he moved like a boxer. Brawn and slow-looking, but he had reflexes and Shianne pushed herself deeper into the chair. If she could hide right now, she'd hide good.

He stalked to Neve and stopped within an inch of her.

"I said, I'll tell you when it's your last job. Until then, you'd better do your job to the best of your ability. Hear me?"

Neve stared at him, and Shianne worried for her. She sure wasn't afraid to push him.

Neve's hands landed on her hips, and her chin jutted out. "I'll tell Mom what you've been making me do."

"Big fucking deal. Your mom used to do this for me all the time. She's no innocent."

"But she thinks I am. She'll be pissed at you for dragging me into this."

Boss Man heaved out a big breath and yelled, "Sit! Your! Ass! Down!"

He stretched his back and walked to a brown paper bag sitting on the kitchen table. Shianne watched him pull out a carton of cigarettes and cringed. Good Lord, he had another carton of those nasty things.