Page 32 of Needing Shianne

Tate nodded. "Okay."

Tate turned and smiled at her. She tapped her foot. It was easier to be mad than scared, so she embraced being mad.

Myles chuckled. "Sweetheart, don't be mad. And, for the record, we'll likely get this reaction from the others too. They've all known both of us individually for a long time. Seeing us together will create a bit of a stir."

She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs as full as she could. Then, let it out. "Okay. So, what now? Jenny was going to be at the boutique at nine, it's now nearly twenty minutes after."

Her phone rang and she pulled it from her purse. Lara's name showed on the readout. "Hi, Lara."

"Shianne, is everything all right? Jenny's here and said she's been waiting at the boutique for a few minutes and you're not open yet."

"I'm all right. I think anyway. Myles and Tate are here. There's some jerk off sitting in a car on my street, apparently watching me."

"Are you shitting me? Who is watching you and what the hell is going on?"

"I guess he's a drug dealer."

"A drug dealer?" Her voice raised.

"Are you standing in front of Jenny? Don’t say that in front of my customers."

"No, I came to the office."

"Well, keep your voice down."

"I'm sorry. So, what the heck is going on?"

"I can't talk right now but tell Jenny I'll be there in five minutes." She stared at Myles when she said the last of it.

"Okay. Will you call me later?"


She ended her call and looked at Tate. "Now we have Lara stirred up and my customers. Can we please go to the boutique? What are you two going to do about the freak job down the street and what's going to happen today?"

Myles stepped closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Yes, we can get you to the boutique."

Tate nodded. "I'll follow you two, and we'll have Spencer put up some cameras here today. Myles can hang around with you at the boutique for protection in case something happens throughout the day. You have cameras at the boutique, so you should be good there should anyone try to break in at night."

She closed her eyes. It was her busy season. This was the time she made a lot of money. Everyone wanted to look good for Christmas and the New Year's Ball. Now, she had to worry about all of this.


Myles locked the back door to the boutique as Shianne's heels clicked on the floor to the front of the boutique. She unlocked the door and turned the closed sign to open. Flicking on the light switches she then breezed around the shop, doing all the things he assumed she normally did.

He stood back and watched her for a moment. A young woman approached the front door, and he stiffened up. Then he recognized Jenny, the waitress from last night.

"Hi, Shianne. I'm so glad you're open today."

"I'm so sorry I'm late Jenny. I had issues at the house. Please come in and I'll run back and get your dress."

Jenny began looking at clothing on the racks and Shianne hustled to the back of the store where he stood. "If you need coffee, I have a coffee maker back here. But, you'll have to make it yourself I'm afraid."

He chuckled. "I can do that." He moved into the storeroom and saw the coffee cart. Making himself busy with the coffee, Shianne searched her hanging rack for Jenny's dress. The bell above the door rang and he stepped out of the back room to make sure it was a customer and not trouble. An older lady entered the shop and began chatting with Jenny.

Stepping into the storeroom Shianne asked, "Who is it?"

"An older lady."