Page 30 of Needing Shianne

"Why wouldn't it be good?"

"Since you got a threatening letter yesterday, it's better safe than sorry."

"Oh. Right."

She picked up their breakfast plates and put them in the dishwasher. He stepped away from the counter and finished his coffee.

Shianne turned and met his eyes. "Does this mean we're a couple?"

His brows rose into the locks of hair that had fallen forward. "Is that what you want?"

She halted loading the dishwasher and stared at the dirty dishes for a moment. His breathing kicked up a notch and he ran their recent words through his brain a few times in case he'd said something stupid. Maybe with Jace? No, nothing stupid.

Finally, Shianne's eyes lifted to his. "Yes. But I don't want that to chase you away."

His brows furrowed. "Chase me away? What makes you think that would chase me away?"

"Jace said elusive. Does that mean you love them and leave them? Or does that mean you don't want to be pinned down?"

"Neither. It means I haven't found anyone that has had my attention for longer than a minute. You, Shianne Brown..." He stepped around the open dishwasher door and pulled her into his arms. "Have had my attention for two years."

They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments. Her lips parted into a beautiful smile. "Thank you."

He grinned. "For?"

"For being patient and reassuring me. It's simply that..." She took a deep breath. "I can't believe you're interested in me. You are the ever-lovin' bomb, Myles Sager. And I still catch myself thinking this is too good to be true."

He kissed her lips. Softly, and thoroughly. Then he whispered, ”I'm the lucky one. Businesswoman. Friendly. Sexy. Smart. And good in the sack."

She gasped and slapped his arm as she stepped back.

He laughed. "What? That's an excellent quality."

She laughed. "Oh, my god."

She finished loading the dishwasher, closed the door, and started it.

"Okay. I'm ready." She looked at her watch and gasped. "Oh no. I have to go. It's five minutes till nine. I'm going to be late."

Myles chuckled and slapped her ass. "That's because you're good in the sack."

"Well, I'll make sure to tell my customers that's why I'm late during the busy season."

He laughed, grabbed her hand, and pulled her toward the door. "I'll tell my friends too."

"Don't you dare! Oh my god. I'm only joking." She grabbed her purse as they walked past the coffee table.

He laughed and kissed the top of her head. "I won't say anything. That's something for me to know and no one else to find out."


Myles stepped out the front door first and froze. She bumped into his back and looked up at him. He stared at a vehicle sitting about four houses down. There was a man sitting in the car, looking at them.

"Do you know who that is?" He asked.

She glanced at the car once more, as fear skittered up her spine. "No."

"Get inside."