Page 21 of Needing Shianne

"Don't be. We should get you something to eat. You've worked hard today."

He chuckled but said nothing more. His hands left her body and she felt sad at the loss. She turned and exited the garage on shaky legs. Whew, he did that to her with just a kiss. It wasn't just a kiss. It was… electric.

He closed the door to the garage and held his hand out for her keys. When she held them out for him, he chuckled again but took them and locked the door.

Handing them back, he then placed his strong hand at the base of her back and walked her to his truck. Opening the door for her he held his hand out for leverage as she climbed into his truck. He winked at her before closing her door, and that shot straight to her core. Damned man shouldn't have so much power over her like that.

He climbed into the driver's seat and started his truck. Backing out slowly, she noticed him looking up and down the street. As they drove away from her house, he seemed to check out every house on her little street and all the side streets too.

She couldn't help but grin. She remembered Lara telling her Tate did that all the time. At first, it sort of creeped Lara out, like he was waiting for someone to attack. Then she learned, not much slipped past him and she felt safe with him. That's how Shianne felt now. Safe. It was a pretty damned nice feeling too.

The streets were busy this time of day. Folks getting off work and heading home or out to eat. She recognized several friends’ vehicles at the store or on the road with them. She waved without thinking a couple of times.

Myles grinned. "Do you know everyone in town?"

She giggled. "It feels that way sometimes. I've been here my entire life. Except for college."

"Yeah. Maya and I grew up in a small town. Not this small, but smallish. But then again, we were secluded in the GHOST compound usually. We went to school in the compound. We played there. We stayed there when Mom and Dad were on missions. So, living here has been different."

"That sounds safe and secure."

"It was." He grinned her way then turned the truck into the parking lot of Porter's.

Finding a parking space, he backed the truck into a spot near the road. He exited the truck, and she watched him walk around the front of the truck. He opened her door, then held his hand out to help her step down. Once she'd moved away from the door, he continued to hold her hand. He led her to the door and told the receptionist they were there for their reservation. "Two for Myles Sager."

Something trilled through her body. They had reservations. She knew the receptionist, Anne. Anne glanced at her and grinned. "Hey, Shianne."

"Hi, Anne. How are you?"

"I'm good. How's your mama?"

"She's good. Are you coming to the New Year's Ball?"

"I sure am. Got Timmy a new shirt and pants."

"Can't wait to see him all dressed up."

Anne grabbed menus and left the desk. "You can follow me."

Anne ushered them to a table near the windows that looked out at the back of the property. The inside of the restaurant was decorated for Christmas next week. The outside had colorful lights wrapped around the trees. It was pretty and peaceful.

The candle in the middle of the table was in a holder with pine branches wrapped around it. The warmth of the candle made the fragrance of the pine filter into the air.

Myles held her chair out for her to sit, then helped her push it in. Taking the seat across from her, he sat and smiled.

"You look beautiful, Shianne."

She felt the warmth in her cheeks. "Thank you. You're handsome yourself."

He grinned and nodded. Anne gave them each a menu, winked at her and left their table.

She swallowed and took a deep breath. She was finally on a date with Myles Sager and they were out in public.


Their meal was delivered. She ordered the salmon; he ordered a steak.

"Wow, this smells fantastic." She breathed.