Page 15 of Needing Shianne

"He said some things on the phone that insinuated I was doing something wrong. He said I had balls the size of Texas."

"Who is he?"

"Oh, the man who ordered. Her..." She pointed to the door. "Boss."

"How did you come to speak to her boss?"

"He ordered." She turned and hurried behind her sales counter. She moved some papers around, then came up with a sheet of paper. "Here. I have his order."

Myles stepped closer. He held his hand out for the paper and Shianne slowly handed it over. He read the order, then the bottom where the payment should have been.

Will pay in cash.

He saw the phone number and looked up at Shianne, who stood watching him. Her fingers were twisting together again.

"Did you call him?"

"Yes." She inhaled and he watched her chest rise and fall. "I didn't understand his order."

"What didn't you understand?"

"The size. It indicates all the sizes I have." She glanced at the dress on the counter. "For this."

"And is this the Fenty?"

"Yes. The Fenty Samuel. It's his new line this year. He hasn't come out with a new line in three years so this is a big deal. And his dresses are so pretty. I mean, look at how pretty."

Myles glanced at the dress. It looked like...a dress. "Ah, yeah."

"You don't think it's pretty?"

He shrugged. There wasn't anything to respond to, so he said nothing. "I, ah, it's a dress. Maybe if you were wearing it, it would be pretty. But it looks like a dress on the counter right now."

Her brows rose into her bangs, then furrowed a bit. "You're such a man."

"Anyway, what did that woman's boss say besides the size?"

"He said he couldn't believe I was advertising this on the internet, but hey, you do you. Or something like that."


"Oh, and he said I was jerking his girl around and he didn't like that."

"Okay." Myles inhaled deeply then let it out. "So, remember the other day when I told you to be careful about what you put out on the internet? This is one of those things."

Her lips parted into an "O" and then closed.

"Shianne, the street name for Fentanyl, is Fenty. He thinks you're selling Fentanyl."

"But, I said, it was teal and sparkly and so darned pretty and I had small to extra-large available."

"So that could mean packages of Fentanyl."

Her hand flew to her mouth and her eyes rounded. "Oh no."

"The other thing is, he actually sent someone here to buy it. There might be others out there thinking the same thing. Did you show the dress in your, what did you call it? Reel?"

"No. I was teasing them. I didn't actually have my stock when I did my reel, so I teased that I had Teal Fentys."