Page 14 of Needing Shianne

He moved to the end of the counter and bent to pick up the stacked boxes. Setting them on the counter, he rearranged them in a stable stack, which she watched with interest. He then picked up the stack of boxes and winked at her. "I'll see you at six."

Her computer chimed several times in a row, and she couldn't wait to see what was being ordered.

Myles carried the packages to the door. She hurried around the counter to the door to hold it open for him.

"Thanks." He offered as he stepped through the door and to his truck.

Shianne ran ahead of him to his truck and opened the back door. He moved around the open door and set the packages on the back seat.

She stepped toward the boutique as he rearranged a couple of the boxes, then he turned to her and nodded. She waved to him as he jumped into the driver's seat.

Snapping herself out of her Myles daze, she pushed herself to get back to work so she could come back in the morning and start fresh without having to dig for information on the orders.

Just as she'd made it to the counter the door opened again and she whirled around with a huge smile on her face, thinking Myles forgot something.

She froze as she stared at the young woman from earlier.

"So, my boss said you called him and clarified the order. I'm here for it. Don't screw around anymore, you're getting my ass in a jam here and I don't appreciate it."

Anger flared in her body. "I haven't jerked you around. You wanted the Teal Fenty in an extra-large. Then you said you have never paid so much for a dress. Then you said you'd come back. So, you want a dress you can't afford, and in a size clearly too big for you. Your boss is a man, who, I assume isn't interested in wearing a dress. So, you tell me what you're up to. It's you who’s been screwing around with me."

The door opened and irritation flashed through her body. She turned with a string of cuss words at the end of her tongue and froze when Myles stood in the doorway. He stared between the two of them and she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Hi," she greeted, but it was stiff and unfriendly, even to her own ears.

"Hi." He glanced at the woman. "What's going on?"

The young woman turned to stare at him. She crossed her arms over her belly and glared. "Is hanging around here all you do?"

Myles chuckled, but his jaw tightened. "Not sure I have to get your permission to do anything."

"I didn't say you needed my permission." She snapped.

"Then I don't see why my coming in here is any of your concern."

He dismissed her then and turned his head to stare at her. She swallowed the knot that appeared in her throat. Her mind raced to get a handle on what was going on here and how this got to be so heated in such a short time.

The young woman glared at her. "I'll take my order now."

Shianne hesitated briefly, then stepped to the rack with the Fentys, pulled the one XL teal she had, and moved toward the counter. She laid the dress on the counter and pulled the tag up to scan it, for the second time today.

"Not this again. I mean, really? Are you continuing to play this game?" The woman snapped.

Shianne froze. Her eyes darted between the woman and Myles. Her heart began racing and she felt her armpits heat. A warning sizzle slid up her spine as Myles straightened his posture and slowly moved his right hand toward the gun at his waist.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm seriously confused by this whole thing. Maybe you should go. This isn't a sale I'm prepared to make at this time."

"You'll be sorry." The woman stomped toward the door and Myles followed her and locked the door as soon as she was outside.

"What's going on here, Shianne?"


He watched Shianne process her thoughts. Her brows furrowed then straightened. She swallowed several times and her fingers twisted together.

"I'm not entirely sure. But I think they think I'm selling drugs."

"Why do you think that?"