Pippy lifted out a bunch of keys from her apron pocket, and I narrowed my eyes at her. They were brand new, the spotless metal of the keys glinting under the overhead lights. She had it all planned out and to tell the truth, I was glad I had a project, I didn’t like being idle. I grinned as she waved the keys in my face and snatched them from her grasp. Kissing her cheek goodbye, I marched over to Scottie who had moved to lean against the wall at the back of the hall. He stood straighter as I approached and stuffed his hands in his pockets, wary of what I was about to say.

“Are you going to tell me off again about smoking?” He said, getting in first.

“That would be a definite yes if you accept my offer to work for me,” I said and offered my hand for him to shake.

He took it to shake the traditional way and then tried to turn it into a series of different shakes. I had no clue what he was doing. He laughed when he saw the panic on my face.

“You will still offer me a job? I half expected that you would find someone more qualified.”

“I’m a man of my word. We arranged to talk in person, and we are. It’s an apprenticeship like I said in my advert and over the phone. You’re out of work, and I’m sorry that you’ve lost your job, it’s my gain. I need an assistant. I’ll teach you all I know, and I’ll pay you the going rate for an apprentice. You need to able to start work tomorrow. Does that sound fair?”

I watched his reaction. His shoulders sagged a little, relief flashed across his eyes for a moment before it disappeared.

“More than fair. I have no qualifications. Did Pippy tell you I was out of work?”

“Yeah, she mentioned it as she gave me a list of things to fix here that will keep us busy until Christmas. I can sort out a way for you to get qualifications while you’re on the job. If you’re good, I may even sponsor you to go to college.”

He scratched the back of his head, taking his cap in his hand. “Thank you for the opportunity, where shall I meet you tomorrow?”

It was my turn to sag my shoulders in relief. Scottie was a good lad, they were scarce. I knew I would like him too, even if he tried to intimidate me with his fancy handshake.

“Here at 7am, unless you need me to pick you up. How far away do you live?”

“My home is a stone’s throw away, I don’t need the lift.”

Scottie struck me as a proud man. I scanned his expression to see if he was lying. When I saw he was speaking the truth, I wondered what had him growing up so fast.

“Great, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

As I turned to leave, I saw him grin as he sat down beside who I assumed was his mum. I caught Pippy’s eye, gave her a salute, then a thumbs up, and left the hall. I got my job sorted, an assistant, now all I needed was to set up a place to live.


The morning sun burned hot on my skin as I trudged up the steep hill in the city. I spent far too much time deciding what I should wear to a meeting about renting a flat. Steph’s description of Adaline hadn’t put me off, and I was looking forward to meeting her. If she was as straight talking as my best friend’s wife said, then I’d want to marry her on sight. Reaching the corner shop just before the railway bridge, I stopped to straighten my plain white shirt, pulling it over the waistband of the khaki shorts that hung to my knees. It was my standard uniform.

I spent too much time on my hands and knees or up a ladder to care about my clothing. Except for this meeting, I’d realised that I care, and I wanted to impress Adaline. It was too late, I was standing in front of her shop door. The dilapidated exterior could do with an overhaul. The woodwork frame for the door looked rotten and would crumble if someone wanted to gain access. Adaline obviously didn’t put her safety first. That would be the first thing to change. A woman living on her own should ensure she’s not vulnerable to those who would take advantage. I didn’t think I was sexist, but I already cared that she was not safe.

Snapping out of my caveman, fix it mode, I hammered my fist on the door. I was on time, but the place looked deserted. It looked like no one had been in the place for years. I knocked on the door again, and still, there was no answer. Debating for a few moments to try the handle, I turned down the faded metal handle, and the door swung open with a squealing fit for a horror movie.

“You son of a bitch, get your arse back out here.” The woman’s voice sailed over. I imagined that voice whispering dirty words as she rode my cock hard. It was deep, gravelly, and sexy as hell.

Those were the first words I heard from her. All I could see was the most attractive, heart-shaped bottom sticking up in the air. She wore a pair of black Lycra leggings that clung to her gorgeous, lithe legs. Her voice was sexy, but her arse in that position had me hard in a few seconds. This did not bode well that I wanted to fuck my future landlady.

“Hello,” I called out from the threshold, I didn’t want to enter unless invited but she didn’t move. She seemed to reach for something under the bottom shelf on the far side of the shop. The fixed shelving was floor to ceiling, covered in dust and random objects. Looking around the shop, every piece of shelving had seen better days. It was dark with yellowed newspapers strewn across the floor. The dirty, dusty, shelving was bottle green, which darkened the room further.

A bicycle was upside down with the front wheel still spinning. I stepped closer to where Adaline knelt, stomping my feet to alert her attention. Adaline didn’t move, and for a moment I thought I might be in the wrong shop. Her response was to stick her bottom higher in the air and continued to ignore me. I bent to touch her back, and she did several things all at once. She screamed bloody murder, the ringing in my ears caused temporary deafness. She smacked her head on the shelf, causing a book to tumble down and land flat on her back. Adaline scrambled around, flinging the book across the room narrowly missing my calf. Her white blonde hair was in a messy bun, covered in muck and dust. What snapped me out of my wish to burst out laughing at her overreaction was the stern glare she shot my way.

“What the fucking hell do you think you’re doing?” She screeched, pushing stray hairs out of her face.

I loved her smutty mouth already, she was my kind of girl. My mission was not to fuck things up, but there was no guarantee. I knew how to speak to workmen, not beautiful women. I didn’t know how to charm a woman like her.

“You have the sexiest voice I have ever heard, do you smoke?”

“If I had a fiver for every time I someone asked me that,” she muttered. “No, never have, and my voice is not sexy, I hate the way it sounds. What are you doing here?”

“We had an appointment to meet five minutes ago, but there was no reply when I banged on the door. I called out before I came in here.”

She looked me up and down. I could feel her scrutiny over every inch of my body. The temptation to twirl around for her was at the forefront of my mind, but I didn’t know if she would see the funny side to her open perusal of my body.