There was a roar of laughter as the picture came into focus. I was stuffing my face with a steak and kidney pie. I remember the day well. Our school rugby team was in the county finals, and I had been persuaded to come and watch. At the age of fifteen, I weighed twenty-two stone. I had no neck, but in this picture, my chins were emphasised to make my head twice as big. I was mid-chew. The image appeared everywhere. I was in the background, and the winning try scorer was in the foreground. I couldn’t escape it. For months it appeared in the school newspaper, online and out to parents in a newsletter. The try scorer took his feelings out on me in the locker room a few days later. The spotlight, he told me, should be on him and not me. He gave me a cracked rib as punishment. I involuntarily rubbed my side as I remembered.

All heads turned my way when Gabby pointed me out in the crowd. The appraising glances of the women did nothing to obliterate the shame of the next picture. The photo of my now picture showed me in the cloakroom, mid orgasm. Gabby had removed her image from the picture, and it looked like I was jacking off next to a rack of coats. In reality, Gabby was on her knees having sucked me off. She’d rested back on her heels while I spurted all over her face.

“Let’s go,” Adaline said more urgently, the anger in her voice jolting me out of my fixed position. I followed her out of the baying crowd. A few men slapped my back as I made my way out of the room. A few people called me the names they muttered when I knew them last. Loser, dickhead, fatso, lard ass. I heard no more, we were outside, and the cold air caused a deep shiver to ride through my body. It had started to rain. Adaline held my hand while she looked at the bank of cars.

“Haydn will be here soon,” I said and cuddled her close.

She’d brought us away from the entrance and into the rain to wait. Haydn pulled up a few moments later, but I was already soaked through. Adaline’s neat chignon had sagged with the weight of the water but remained off her neck. I stroked the wet strands up and tucked them into the hairgrip I could see. She smiled at me. I was devastated and completely floored that she still held my hand after seeing those two pictures of me.

“Come on,” she said and opened the door for me after waving Haydn away. He nodded his understanding and got back into the car.

The car was small enough that Haydn could hear what we said and see what we were doing, but I’d known him long enough to know he heard and saw nothing. Adaline ran around the back of the car and slipped in the other side. As soon as her door was closed, Haydn drove away from the country club. Adaline switched on the interior light.

“It’s no wonder you ran away,” she said once we were on the dual carriageway to Brighton.

I looked at her, puzzled at what she’d said. “Ran away?”

“Yeah, you escaped this world as soon as you could. I understand why now. They are horrible people. On par with my parents in the mean and brutal stakes. I wish you’d come away with me when I said and didn’t have to see those pictures.”

“How did you know it would happen?”

“Two girls were whispering in the ladies, thinking I couldn’t hear. I couldn’t of course, but they were standing next to the mirror, and I was able to read their lips. They are best mates with bitch face. Apparently, she hadn’t forgiven you for turning her down, this was her way of humiliating you like you humiliated her.”

“I’m glad I saw it, it confirms that bullies never grow out of being bitter. Good luck to them, I never have to see them again. Our paths have never crossed since I left school, so I doubt they will again.”

“You’ve spent the best part of a decade overseas, it’s easy to not see them, but you’re back now. You may see them.”

“Thank you for trying to get me out of there, I love that you wanted to shield me,” I said and brought her as close as I could with the seatbelts restricting me.

Adaline rested her head on my shoulder, we stayed silent until Haydn pulled up outside our home. I shook Haydn’s hand before following Adaline in through the shop floor and up the stairs. We stood outside our front doors, sodden from the rain. It was hammering down and the short steps from the car to the front door drenched every part of us that had escaped the rain at the country club.

We were standing a foot apart. I reached out and unhooked her long earring. I dropped it to the floor and did the same to the other ear. I could feel the tension between us, the urgency for intimacy. It was time I saw Adaline with her hair down. Her fierce need to protect me from the ridiculous photos had my heart racing.

I moved to stand behind her, holding her waist for a moment, kissing her bare shoulder. The droplets of water slinked in a zig zag motion down her neck. I pulled the silver-coloured zipper of her dress slowly down her back. The dress kept its shape as I helped Adaline step out of the garment. She still stood with her back to me in her strapless corset and her sensible knickers. I ruffled the frills at the back of her knickers. Adaline was bare legged with dark purple, peep toe stiletto shoes covering her feet. My cock begged me to undress and bend her over. I would not remove one bit of my clothing until Adaline was naked on my bed with her hair fanning out over my pillows.

The loose blond tendrils had curled as they dried. My fingers slipped into Adaline’s hair, feeling for her hairpins. One by one I pulled them out and dropped them to the floor. Bit by bit, Adaline’s hair fell down her back, the soft curls lay damp at her back. Her hair covered most of the cream corset. I dreamed of wrapping her long hair around my wrist as I fucked her hard from behind. I wondered if she would let me. If she didn’t, I’d try to persuade her to try it, just once.

Leaning to her ear, I licked her lobe, flicking my tongue over her edge and then down her neck. Latching onto her shoulder, I gently bit her skin. Adaline dropped her head back and lifted her hands up to hold my head in position. She turned swiftly and raised my head to kiss me. Adaline didn’t have time to take control, this was my fantasy. Picking her up, I cradled her legs and back as she wrapped her hands around my neck. Raising my knee, I balanced her on it while I took the keys out of my pocket. Adaline took them from me to open my front door. Once we were in, she dropped them to the floor, and I walked us to my bedroom. I spoke quietly to Buster who came trotting to my side when we entered the flat. He loped back to his dog basket and settling back to sleep.

I put Adaline on the bed. She scrambled to a kneeling position, her knees spread with her hands on her hips. Her hair draped down over her breasts and to her waist. Her hair was thick and wavy, hiding her body like a tease.

Tugging her to the edge of the bed by hooking a finger into her corset at her cleavage, she shuffled forward until our bodies touched. I kissed her again, holding her head, pulling gently on her hair to change the angle. Adaline moaned, it was as sexy as her deep voice. I swallowed her moans and groans as I pushed my tongue into her mouth.

“How do I take this off?” I asked her, tugging on the cups covering her breasts.

She held her sides at her ribs and squeezed her waist, the hooks on the front at the bottom came undone. She squeezed once more, and they all came undone. The corset fell behind her onto the bed. Her breasts were still hidden, I brushed her hair over her shoulders to reveal her peaked nipples. Using my thumbs, I stroked back and forth over her hard nipples. Adaline watched every gesture, mesmerised at the slow movements of my hands. She was beautiful, the soft lighting from outside illuminating the curves of her thighs. I wanted to get her out of her frilly knickers.

“Lie down, Adaline,” I said into her ear, giving her a kiss before she moved. “Keep your shoes on.”

She smirked at my request and moved to the top of the bed by the pillows. Adaline deliberately took her time scooting down until she was fully on her back. She raised her legs as one, circling her feet clockwise and then anticlockwise. I could see her peeping around her legs to see my reaction. Her teasing was more than I could cope with when she grabbed her breasts firmly. Pinching her nipples and moaning.

I desperately wanted to remove my clothing and caved when she teased me one step too far. Removing my jacket, I dropped it to the floor, then lifted my t-shirt off. When Adaline saw my naked torso, she dropped her legs, spreading them wide. Adaline had bent her knees, lifting her bottom off the bed when her heels were flat on the bed. She pushed her knees apart with her hands and then slowly caressed her body up to her neck and then gracefully rested her arms above her head, holding onto the metal posts of the bed head. She invited me with her smile for my next move, her hips moving up and down as she balanced on her high heels.

“Take your sensible knickers off,” I told her.

She hooked her thumbs into the elastic, pushed them down her legs and with one expert move, flicked them in my direction with the toe of her shoe.

“I’m keeping these,” I said after I’d caught them. Shoving Adaline’s underwear into my trouser pocket, I crossed my arms over my chest gazing at the view. Adaline’s bare pussy was kept from my sight with her thighs closed. She leant over to the bedside light and touched it once. The low lighting gave me a better view. Her ankles were apart with her knees together.