Callum put the toilet seat down and sat on it, waiting for my answer. He didn’t look like he was moving anytime soon. I left him there while I went to my bedroom to strip out of my clothes. He’d already seen my body naked, so there was no point being coy now. Wandering back in, the bath had filled enough for me to get in and be submerged in foam. Callum’s eyes were out on stalks, and I felt beautiful and desired for the very first time.

I stepped in quickly, not wanting to balance on my sore legs for too long. With a long sigh, I closed my eyes and scooted down as far as I could before I was swallowing bubbles. When I opened my eyes to answer Callum’s question, he’d gone. Maybe walking in naked was too much for him. I searched for the sponge I’d thrown in the bath when I poured the water. It was at the far end under the hot water tap. I turned off the water and settled back.

Callum returned with a large cushion from his flat and settled on the floor next to the bath. His face was right next to mine. I scooted down again and turned my head to face him, resting my head on the back of the bath.

“How do you know your seller is genuine?” He asked and took a swig from his can of lemonade. He raised the can to me, but I shook my head.

“We had a video conference, and he showed it to me. This isn’t my first time, I’ve been buying and selling for years. This is the first time that a customer has wanted to do the handover in person who lived overseas.”

“Well I don’t trust him,” he huffed.

“You don’t have to, Callum, only I have to.”

He stayed silent, not having a counter argument. To break the tension, I asked him about his plans for my shop. I’d interrupted his thoughts when I burst in from my mini accident. I agreed with him about the cashier’s desk and also where the stock room should be located. It was then that it dawned on me I no longer owned a bike.

“Fucking fuck fuck,” I said and sat up in the bath. The bubbles covered my body, and I resembled a marshmallow man. I even had a bubble beard.

“What’s wrong, are you in pain?” Callum said and kneeled up, ready to lift me out of the bath.

“My bike is a write-off, there’s no way I’m riding that again, and I’m sure it’s not repairable.”

“You can get another one with your insurance,” he suggested.

“There are now two problems,” I said, leaning back down into the water. Callum slumped back down with me.

“First, I’m not sure my insurance covers my bike accident and second I need to be at my parent’s house this afternoon.”

“I can take you if you want.”

“Hell no, no way,”

“Why not? Are you ashamed of me?”

“Of course not,” I said and looked him up and down. “Who the hell would be ashamed of you? I don’t want you to meet my parents, they are horrific, no one should have to meet them.”

“They’ll love me, let me take you.”

“They will love you, a little too much, that’s what I’m concerned about.”

I searched for the sponge again, I washed my arm when I caught the look on his face.

“What?” I asked him.

“Can I take you?” He pleaded.

“On one condition. Well, two conditions. You let me have the rest of my bath in peace and no matter what, do not lend them any money.”

“I need a cold shower anyway, so I will leave you alone,” he said and stood up. “As for the money, why would they ask for money? Why can’t I give them any?”

“That is a long, sad story, just promise me, and I’ll let you take me.”

He frowned and drank from his can.

“Fucking promise me Callum, or you can’t take me,” I barked. I needed the lift but would be happy to get four buses if I needed to.

“All right bossy pants, I promise not to lend them any money. You will need to tell me why one day,” he warned and left the bathroom.

I was too ashamed to tell him why. I was humiliated that my parents cared so little about me that they would steal what was mine. At least mum and dad wouldn’t tell him, they were over the incident. I don’t think I would ever forgive them. It didn’t matter that I gained my degrees without the fifty grand. They didn’t believe it was an issue, didn’t understand that what they did was wrong. How I have a set of standards and morals is beyond me. Steph, Elliott, and Steph’s parents were a guiding light. I sought Steph’s advice on virtually everything. She had wonderful, loving parents. I’d spent a lot of time at their house when I wasn’t being hauled around the country entering competitions.