“That’s the second time I’ve done that today, my stupid feet, that stupid door, the stupid Event Manager.” I struggled out of his embrace, his smirk adorning his gorgeous tanned face. “What are finding so funny?” I pulled my shirt straight which had been showing my left bra cup covered breast. His smirk turned to a pout when my underwear was covered.

“You’re adorable when you’re annoyed. You can thank me anytime you know,” he said and shoved the door closed. A muffled laugh came from the other side of the room. A young lad was up a ladder sweeping old papers to the floor with his hand.

“No, I’m not adorable, I’m one hundred percent pissed off,” I said to Callum and then turned my attention to the lad. “What are you doing?”

The lad stopped mid-sweep and looked at Callum for help, I turned my back to him and waited for Callum to reply.

“I thought I’d make a start down here, this place has not seen a rag or sweeping brush in over a decade. I need to put Scottie to use,” Callum said and nodded over my shoulder. “I thought you’d appreciate the help.”

“Did you have a good meeting?” Scottie said to my back, or that’s what I thought he said.

Turning to face Callum’s apprentice, who had his arm looped through the top of the ladder.

“What?” I snapped, I’d had enough of getting everyone to repeat themselves, it must drive them mad.

“How did your meeting go?”

“Oh, that, well it was awful. The Event Manager was a diva who spoke too fast, I couldn’t keep up with all the details, so I walked out. I wish I’d said no to organising this event.”

Scottie kept quiet for a moment, and then said, “what are you going to do now?”

“Who the fuck knows,” I said. “Probably apologise for running out and make another appointment to see Adrian,” I said and took a better look at the shop.

Scottie hummed as he went back to his sweeping while I turned in a circle on the shop floor. One day this would bustle with customers browsing the many wooden boxes filled with magazines and comics. I was midway through my daydream of the layout of the shop when Callum touched my arm.

“Are you ok?”

“Sure, why?”

“I was talking to you, but you seemed miles away. I could go with you to the next appointment, maybe pretend to be your assistant and take notes as he tells you all about the place.” Callum offered.

That was not a bad idea. That way I didn’t have to listen to the tight-lipped diva. He could be my sexy secretary.

“Really? That would be great. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“It would be my pleasure. You are fabulous when you’re angry, but I think this event manager needs to learn who the customer is. This event is important to the charity.”

Callum was right, I needed to get back to the hotel and take charge.


“Are you ready to go?” I asked her from the threshold to her living room. Adaline wouldn’t hear me, but I could hear her. She was pacing around her bedroom, opening and closing drawers. I learned after the second evening that she jumped at any sudden noise. She didn't like me creeping up on her as she described it. It wasn’t possible for me to creep. I was six feet two and two hundred and twenty pounds of muscle. There was nothing dainty about my footfall. Scottie had mentioned that I should always make sure I was in her line of sight when I spoke with her. I suspected that she may have an eyesight problem. I didn’t ask why but when I did as Scottie suggested, she answered me the first time, when I didn’t she ignored me. I grumbled to Scottie that she always answered him the first time and ignored me.

I expected Scottie to call me paranoid, but instead, he suggested making sure I was facing her when I spoke. Adaline had a blood-curdling scream when I scared her, I discovered one morning when I’d made her coffee and brought it to her while she was re-stacking her magazines in her living room. I kept hold of the coffee in its cup but had ringing ears for a few minutes after. The next day I stayed on the veranda until she saw me.

Adaline came into my line of sight, and I sighed, she looked beautiful in her pale blue summer dress and matching flat shoes. It was the most dressed up I’d seen her. I thought she was chic with her casual dress style and sophisticated hairstyles, but now she was ravishing. I had to remind my cock she was my landlady.

When I heard the hurt in her voice as she explained how Adrian treated her I wanted to go to the Empire Hotel and kick his arse. He sounded like a dick. I’d persuaded her to call him straight away yesterday to meet today. She tried to resist, but I was having none of it. We were his customer, and he would make himself available. She tried to argue that she would email, but emails could be ignored. I took her phone from her hand and found his number in her contacts. He answered on the second ring. After introducing myself as Adaline’s assistant, I made the appointment and assured Adrian that I would be in attendance. Adrian seemed relieved that I would be there and said as much at the end of the call. I don’t know why he didn’t like Adaline, and I didn’t care. She was organising a major event for the charity, and by the time we left Adrian’s company today, he would do everything he could to make the night perfect.

“Oh, hi, you look good,” she said as she approached. She took the words right out of my mouth.

“It’s just jeans and a shirt,” I replied wishing I had complimented her first. She commented on my appearance without thinking. One glance and she commented on something. I felt special, she made me feel special. I wish I could get a comment in first, but I was too busy gawping at her. Her hairstyle today was a large bun at the base of her head with tiny braids covering in a web of crisscrosses. I had no idea how long her hair was, and I was itching to find out. The other night she had her hair tied up in what looked like chopsticks. The next night I cooked her homemade Chinese food.

“You look stunning, I love that dress,” I said holding up her handbag that sat on the table on the veranda. After the first night, she hadn’t put the table away. Each evening when I cooked she set the table and opened the wine.

“Thank you, I thought I should make an effort after arriving in trainers last time.”

She took the bag and dropped her keys in the cavity. We were leaving though my flat. I had insisted that she made sure she locked up before we left. I had a feeling that Jeff would return sooner or later for his belongings. No one has a dozen locks on a box and doesn’t come back for it.