Page 87 of Skin Deep

I took off my shirt and shoved it into the laundry hamper. Before I could put on another, Pax pulled my back against his chest. His hand closed around my neck, and I rolled my head back to look up at him. He was so fucking sexy when he was looking down at me like that with heat in his eyes, but we didn’t have time to play that game.

“What’s this?” I asked, the shadow of a playful smirk touching my lips.

“Depends on how long we have.” His teeth nipped at my earlobe and I almost gave in. “I was thinking about bending you over this bed and fucking you until you can’t move, and then a little more to make sure.”

I let out a dreamy sigh. “God, that sounds good. Unfortunately, I have to be able to sit through this meeting with Boone. This was my job, remember? That means I have to take the lead.”

“After?” Pax asked, kissing along my jaw. “You know how hot it makes me when you start telling people what to do.”

I smiled and wiggled away. “It only makes you horny because you want to put me in my place.”

“You like it.”

“That’s because when it comes to you, my place is face down on the mattress.” He tried to swoop in for another kiss that I dodged. “I can’t be that right now. People will be looking to me for leadership on this. I have to bring everyone together, come up with a plan, and find a way to execute it.”

“Sounds like a lot of pressure,” Pax said, folding his arms.

“It’s my role in the family.” I shrugged before throwing a sultry look over my shoulder at him. “And I’m sure you’ll help me relax plenty when it’s done.”

“You’re going to be so busy screaming my name you’re going to forget yours.”

“Promises, promises,” I teased, pausing in front of the mirror to make sure my hair was lying flat since Pax had been playing with it.

Five minutes later, we walked across the parking lot to the Laskin Family Funeral Home flanked by my brothers. Yuri, Annie, and Tatty were already there.

I frowned as I spotted the black Roadster in the parking spot next to mine. What the fuck was Izzy Costas doing here? This had nothing to do with the Greeks.

Next to Izzy’s car was a lifted Jeep Wrangler with flood lights and reinforced bumpers that looked like the cow catchers on trains. The rear was covered in bumper stickers such as:Keep honking, I’m reloading.

When we came around the front, we found Izzy standing there smoking a cigarette with Boone, Boone’s second in command, and Aleksi.

Boone Calhoun was five feet and change with one of those permanently scruffy beards. Wild red hair stuck out from underneath a faded trucker cap. He wore a plain white t-shirt tucked into a pair of tan and brown camo pants. His second was as tall as Pax and looked like he could dead lift a truck. They were both armed to the teeth.

As soon as they saw us, the second in command—whose name I’d forgotten—stood straighter and positioned himself between us and Boone.

“’Bout time all y’all showed up,” Boone said in his thick West Virginia accent, flicking the cigarette off into the parking lot. “You remember my lieutenant, Christian Pope. Goes by Church.” He slapped the bigger mercenary’s chest. “Say hi to the Laskins, Church.”

“A pleasure,” Church droned in a British accent, dipping his head slightly.

“Let me see if I remember you all.” Boone narrowed his eyes and hooked his thumb in a belt loop, pointing. “You're River. That one’s Shepherd, Professor Laskin if you’re feeling formal. ‘Course we got Doctor Laskin here, AKA Warrick. And you two… Which one of you is which? Last time I seen you, you was only about yea high.” He pointed midway down his chest.

“I’m Xander,” Xander offered.

“Which makes you Xavier.” Boone grinned as his eyes moved to Annie and Tatty. He finally removed his hat, running his fingers through his bright red hair. “And pardon me, ladies. Saved the best for last. It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Laskin, and you, Lady Volkov. You look lovely, as always.”

I let out a low growl when he picked up Tatty’s hand and kissed the back of it. “All right, enough introductions. What are you doing here, Izzy?”

Izzy stared at me, giving away nothing, as he blew out a mouthful of smoke. “I’m here as a silent observer only. Should you pull off this coup, we’ll have further business. Until then…” He shrugged and put the cigarette back between his lips.

I frowned. Secretive bastard. I didn’t like him being involved, but if I told him to fuck off, it could cost me down the line. Our relationship with the Costas had always been on shaky ground, but ever since they’d helped us take out Theo’s abusers, they’d been like cockroaches. Always around, impossible to get rid of, and a pain in the ass.

“Welp,” Boone said, rocking back on his heels. “What do you say we get this show on the road?”

I nodded and moved toward the entrance.

Almost as soon as we were through the door, Pax pulled back. I looked up at him and saw the pain in his face, pain that made me want to sweep him out of there and take him back to where he was safe and happy. But Boone was staring at us, waiting up ahead.

I squeezed Pax’s hand. “Are you okay?”