“And yet he had no qualms about manipulating his own son into killing his rival and starting a coup.”
Tatty was quiet for a moment, considering her response. The kettle screamed, interrupting us as we stared at each other, and she got up to make two cups of tea. “It is the burden of sons to bear the scars of their fathers,” she said quietly.
I shook my head. “No more. I want Paxton’s girls left out of this, Tatty. I won’t allow them to be pawns in anyone’s power games. I don’t care which side does what. If anyone touches Paxton or his daughters, I will fucking burn everything. Them, the organization, the entire fucking world if that’s what it takes to keep them safe. Understand me?”
Tatty sprouted a small, tired smile as she set the teacups down in front of us. “You’ll be a good father to them, Warrick.”
I flinched. A father? To Scarlett and Charlie? If I stayed with Pax, that’s exactly the role I’d eventually fall into, wasn’t it? I’d known that, of course, but hearing someone else acknowledge it was both shocking and relieving. After being turned down so many times by so many people, I’d nearly given up on ever being a parent, even though it was the one thing I’d wanted more than anything. So many professionals had told me I wasn’t a good fit, that I needed more training, more counseling, more medication to be a parent.
But here was my own mother, sitting at the table with me, telling me I would be a good father. Her approval meant more to me than all the social workers and adoption agencies put together.
“I…” My throat was suddenly too tight to speak. I tried to clear it, but my voice still came out small. “Thank you.”
Her smile faded and she took my hand. “You should go rest, Warrick. The next few days will be difficult. We should go to the house in Liar’s Corner. Everyone will be safe there until this is over.”
I nodded. “It’s late and I’m too tired to drive safely.”
“Of course. We’ll go in the morning.” She pulled me in to kiss my forehead. “I’ll be on the couch if you need me, little sun.”
I made sure she had a sheet, extra blanket, and a pillow before trudging upstairs.
Pax was waiting for me at the top of the stairs, arms crossed, a look of concern on his face. “Everything all right?”
“No,” I said tiredly and put my arms around him. I closed my eyes and leaned in, letting my head fall against his chest. Just breathing in his scent was enough to make me feel better. “But it will be if you stay with me.”
“Always,” Pax replied and kissed me.
IfellasleepinPax’s arms, sleeping better than I had any right to, considering everything that was going on. As exhausted as I was, I probably would have slept late into the morning if Tatty hadn’t knocked on my bedroom door.
I woke groggily and sat up, rubbing sleep from my eyes. Pax didn’t stir when she knocked again, so I got up and pulled on a pair of workout sweats before going to the door, but it wasn’t just Tatty on the other side. My blood chilled at the sight of Aleksi and five other vory I recognized from Simeon’s house standing there.
I glanced at Tatty, who wrung her hands with concern. “What do you want?”
“Get some clothes on,” Aleksi demanded in a no-nonsense tone. “Both you and Paxton are to come with us.”
I gripped the doorknob tighter, eying the men. All of them were armed. “Why?”
Aleksi was silent, but there was only one reason Simeon’s enforcer could be standing outside my bedroom with a bunch of armed men. That fucking traitor. I thought he was on our side. If that fucker was playing both sides…
“And if I refuse?” I asked.
Aleksi closed his hand around the gun tucked in its holster under his arm. “I’d rather not do this in front of women and children, but that’s up to you.”
“Aleksi, please.” Tatty swept in front of him, blocking the doorway. “Please, let me call Nikita. Let me talk to Simeon. We can—”
Aleksi’s hard gaze fell on her and she stopped speaking immediately. “The time for talk is over. Your son made a choice. Now, he pays the price.”
I clenched my jaw and turned my head without letting my eyes leave Aleksi’s face. “Pax. Get up. We have to go.”
“What’s going on?”
“Simeon’s people are here.” I finally looked back at him, apologetic. He froze halfway through buttoning his jeans, coming to the same realization I had.
There was no running. If we tried, they’d hunt us down or hurt people to find us. The chances that we were walking away from this were exponentially small, but if we wanted to have even a small chance, we needed to play along.
His expression hardened, a threat darkening his face. “Not in front of my girls. They stay out of this.”
Aleksi shrugged. “If you come with us, you have my word no harm will come to them or anyone else. This can all end here. Simeon only wants you two.”