“You stick a marshmallow or two in here,” I said, shoving one into the end of the pipe. “And then you blow through here.” I pointed to the end that your mouth went on. “Like this.” I blew through the pipe, shooting the marshmallow across the room.
“Let me try.” Nix bounced on her toes. I handed her gun over, watching as she loaded it and took a few practice shots. Her pretty, dark eyes lit up making my heart sing. “This is going to be fun.” There was her Disney villain popping up again.
“Let’s hide them. Your dad is going to be home soon.”
She gathered the gun and bag of marshmallows, hiding them behind one couch while I laid mine behind the recliner. The timer went off for the cookies. Running back into the kitchen, I slid my hand into an oven mitt and bent over to pull them out.
“Now this I could get used to coming home to,” Asher’s deep voice said as I froze, ass in the air. My damn stomach fluttered from his voice alone.
Fuckers were broken.
My pulse raced, wishing he meant that he could get used to coming home to me. Not to the cookies. Slowly, I stood and placed the cookie sheet on the stove to cool.
I glanced over my shoulder at him, wiggling my eyebrows. “I do have a nice ass.”
Asher smirked. “I meant the cookies.”
“Right,” I said, dragging out the word dramatically. Turning around to face him, I popped my hip to the side and placed a hand on it. “Because everyone wants a cookie when they come home.”
Asher walked further into the house, shutting the garage door behind him. He dropped his bag on the floor and squeezed the brim of his baseball hat, biceps flexing with the movement. Fuck, why is that so hot?
“Depends on the cookie,” he mumbled. His body crowded mine as he reached around my waist, grabbing a cookie from the pan. A hiss escaped his lips from the heat as he took a bite.
“You’re terrible.”
Asher smirked. “You didn’t need to cook dessert, you know.”
I tossed my hair over my shoulder. “Well, someone needs to teach Nix what a stove is supposed to be used for.”
Ash leaned against the counter, ankles crossed. His eyes ran over me from head to toe. Quickly, I turned, using the spatula to remove the hot cookies before spooning the second batch onto the pan, resisting the urge to shiver. “Thank you, Hales.”
I bit my lip to get myself under control. It’s getting hard to keep how I feel a secret from him. “You’re welcome. There’s dinner for you in the fridge.”
He pushed off the counter and gripped my hand as he walked past, the back of my neck heating from the small touch. “You’re the best. I’m gonna grab a shower first.”
Asher stopped to give Nix a quick kiss on the head before jogging up the stairs.
The shower kicked on and I couldn’t stop the thought of him naked upstairs from swiftly entering my mind. I shook my head.Not the time.“You ready?” I whispered to Nix, who dropped the purple-colored pencil she was using to draw with.
“This is going to be awesome!” Phoenix cheered and hopped to the corner where she had the perfect shot for when Asher came back down the stairs. I stood in the opposite corner, holding my finger to my lips to keep her from giggling too loudly. The door to Asher’s room creaked opened, and he padded back down the stairs barefoot in light gray joggers and a dark t-shirt. Long dark hair hung in wet strands over his shoulders, leaving small damp spots on his shirt.
I really wanted to run my fingers through it.
Tug it.
Swallowing hard, I tried to get my lady dick to calm down because I should not be that affected just watching him walk into a room.
As soon as his foot landed on the final step, Nix shot the first marshmallow, which pelted him directly in the center of his chest. He froze momentarily before narrowing his eyes at her. He took one step in her direction before I shot two at him repeatedly. One hitting his back and the other on his ass.
He whipped his head in my direction, a smile playing on his lips. “Did you just shoot me in the ass?”
“That’s a bad word, Daddy,” Nix shouted before shooting more Marshmallows at him. He moved fast, catching Phoenix around the waist before she had a chance to get out of his reach.
Her little feet kicked in the air as she laughed repeatedly. My heart ached in the best way as I stopped and watched Asher blow raspberries in her neck, making her laugh harder. “S-stop.” Nix stammered, wiggling her body to get away. “I-I’m going to pee my pants.”
She huffed as Asher sat her down, booking it to the bathroom. Slowly, he turned on me.