When I responded it’d only been a few months, she waved me off like it wasn’t crazy to be talking about marriage so soon.
She wanted grandbabies.
I didn’t admit it to her, but I had been thinking about both.
“Plus, I hadn’t seen her in a few days and I have to work the next four,” Stephanie said, laying her hand on my thigh.
“Don’t remind me,” I grumbled, hating I wouldn’t have her to myself on my day off.
“There she is.” Stephanie stood and waved her over, greeting my mom with a hug. “Hi, Luanne.”
“Hi, mom,” I said, kissing her cheek.
“I didn’t know that you would be here.” She fanned her face. “Lord, it’s hot out today.”
“Mason and I stopped by to show some support. I don’t get to stay long.”
“Well, I’m glad I got to see you. I feel like I haven’t seen you in a month.”
“It’s been a week, Ma.”
She gave me a look that told me not to argue. “Still too long.”
“I was just telling him we should all go out to dinner with Stacey one day this week. Get everyone together.” Stephanie cut in, giving me a wink.
“That sounds wonderful, darling. How about next Saturday?”
“Sounds great,” Stephanie said. Rylie leaned back, poking me in the side, shaking her head to remind me of the other surprise we had planned for Stephanie that day.
“How about Wednesday?” I offer instead.
Stephanie eyed me suspiciously but didn’t question it. Mom agreed happily and started making plans with Steph.
“Wanna go grab some drinks?” I asked Mason, who was rubbing Rylie’s growing belly.
“Sure. Want water?” Rylie nodded, and Stephanie asked for a Dr. Pepper. I pressed a kiss to her head and stood, maneuvering around my mother, who instantly took my spot.
When we were out of earshot of the girls, Mason asked me what Rylie’s objection was about. The man missed nothing that concerned his wife. “I forgot that Stephanie’s brother, Grayson, is back state-side. He’s driving up to surprise her.”
“I didn’t realize you knew him.”
I shook my head.“She skyped with him last week. She hadn’t even told him she had left Jax or moved. I asked her a question when she was talking to him, and she finally told him everything. I guess her ex was his best friend in high school. She hasn’t told him anything about what happened. Just that she ended things and left to live with Rylie. She introduced him to me. I gave him my number, and we have been texting off and on.”
Mason whistled under his breath. “Dang. Ex’s best friend, huh? He seems okay with you?”
“Yeah. It surprised him at first but said if she was happy, then he was happy. Seems like a decent guy. I’ve been planning the surprise and let Rylie know about it earlier today so she could help distract Steph next weekend.”
He nodded. “So what’s the plan?”
“I was thinking we could all get together to grill and spend time together, and he could just be there.” I shrugged my shoulders.
“At your place?”
I rubbed the back of my neck. “Sort of?”
“Sort of?” Mason questioned as we reached the front of the line and ordered our drinks. I handed over some cash and thanked them before they passed us the drinks.
“Yeah. I was actually thinking about having it out on the river.” My stomach felt heavy with nerves. I knew Mason wouldn’t be mad about me buying the property, but I didn’t want him to feel like I kept a huge secret from him.