Page 50 of Camden

“You don’t have to tell me what happened.” I could tell from his reaction, or non-reaction, that it wasn’t an easy topic for him.

Cam blew out a deep breath. “I will, just not tonight. I don’t want him to touch us tonight. Anyway, my father’s family had been well off. They cut him off right after he moved out. They knew nothing about us, and we knew nothing about them. He’d grown up in St. Louis, so we never crossed paths. When my father was sentenced about four years ago, they saw an article in the paper about him and found out that he had a family.

They showed up on our doorstep shortly after. Introduced themselves. Said they wanted to be involved in our lives. Get to know us, even though they still wanted nothing to do withhim. He was an only child, so we were their only grandchildren. Anyway, they had split up the inheritance that was originally meant for my father and gave it to me and Stacey.” He stopped to gauge my reaction. I kept my face straight, waiting for him to continue. “Do you want to know how much it was?”

I tilted my head and placed a hand over his heart. “Your money doesn’t matter to me, Cam,” I said. And it didn’t. It didn’t matter if he had billions or if he had three hundred dollars. The way he treated me with respect and love was all I cared about.

He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. “Thank you, but I want to tell you. I want you to know.”

I wasn’t sure I needed to know. We had just started dating. “Okay.” I hesitated.

“We each got just short of two million.”

I blinked hard. “I’m sorry, what?” I asked like I’d misheard him. It wasn’t every day someone told you they inherited two million dollars.

“I haven’t told anyone about it.”

“No one?”

He shook his head. “Not even Mason.”

“Why not?”

“Honestly?” He peered up at the sky as if trying to come up with an answer. “I wasn’t sure I wanted to keep the money. We had grown up not poor, but things were tight. I didn’t want people in my life that are only there for the money.”

“That makes sense.”

“I left the money in the bank at first. I had my job. My friends. I didn’t feel the need to use the money that came from his family. I had already bought my house at that point and I don’t need a bigger one yet. I don’t need fancy cars or clothes. I love my life. Stacey could afford to open ten cafes, but she worked her ass off to make hers a success without their help. I’m damn proud of her for it.”

My heart clenched at the love and pride he wore on his face. “You are amazing. You know that?”

“Are you saying that because I’m rich?” He narrowed his gaze playfully. Though, behind his playfulness, there was a hesitancy I didn’t like. I didn’t want him to worry.

“No. I’m saying that because I really like you, Cam.” It was the first time I’d shared those types of feelings with them. “I like that you’re a great friend. That you’re a family man, and that didn’t change with a little money.”

“I really like you too.” He pressed his mouth to mine, sucking on my bottom lip, driving me mad. “Anyway, when this place came on the market, I felt down in my gut that it was meant to be mine. Eventually, I want to rebuild the cabin for a family. With lots of bedrooms.” He winked, and I laughed. “One of my favorite things to do growing up was to go fishing and spend a day in the river. This place reminded me of every single good thing in my childhood.”

“I love that you found it. It’s beautiful.” I took in the serenity of it all. “I can’t believe you haven’t shared it with anyone.”

“As soon as I do, people will start asking questions about how I had the money to purchase it.”

“That makes sense.” The sky had darkened fully now. Small lanterns lined the path down to the dock and produced a soft glow. Stars dotted the clear Missouri sky with nothing to dampen their beauty. “I love it here,” I whispered.

“Good. We can spend as much time here as you want.” He moved to sit behind me, a leg on either side of mine. His arm slipped around my waist and he pulled my body back against his chest. I didn’t stiffen at the contact but instead relaxed into him. The hair on the base of my neck tickled my skin as his breath feathered across my skin. He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck as he held me.

Firework after firework exploded in the night sky, lighting everything around us in bright colors. “Cam?”

“Yeah?” My eyes closed on cue. My entire body shivered from his deep voice.

“I’m so glad you didn’t give up on me.”


I turned my head to look him in the eye. “Yeah.” My gaze dropped to his lips. He cupped my jaw as he brought his mouth closer to mine. Being wrapped in Cam’s hold was the best I’d felt in over a year. Safe. Protected.
