Shit,my dick twitched again.
Grabbing my phone, I shot off a quick good morning text before hopping in the shower to clean myself off. My text notification pinged in the other room as I wrapped a towel around my body. Again, images from the night before flooded my mind. It was a damn miracle I kept my dick covered in that towel.
Good Morning. Stay safe at work.
Always. What are you getting into today?
Rylie and I are going baby shopping.
Where at?
Not sure. I’m supposed to pick her up and she’ll let me know.
I’d ask Mason. He was supposed to ride along with me today. I didn’t expect a ton to happen.
Since psycho Travis got convicted for his multiple murders, there hadn’t been a lot happening in Sweet Springs.Not that I minded.This was the town I’d grown up in and the town I remembered. Not the one we had last year, where every woman had to keep her head on a swivel.
I hated that shit.
Have fun. I’ll be thinking about you.
I made myself a promise that I’d make her feel as amazing as I knew she was. Every chance I got, I’d let her know I was thinking about her. There’d never been a question about the fact that I liked her, but after last night? I knew I had made the right choice by pursuing her.
I adored her.
She sent a heart emoji and I couldn’t prevent a smile from taking over my face as I finished putting on my uniform.
An hour later, I pulled into Mason’s drive and shot him a text to get his ass outside. The front door swung open as he stepped out, followed by a disheveled, robe-covered Rylie. Her hands wrapped around a mug as she gave Mason one last kiss. I waved to her as he climbed into the cruiser.
“Is she supposed to be drinking coffee?” I asked as she took another sip, waiting for us to back out.
“Don’t fucking start, man. I tried to tell her that and she bit my head off.” I grimaced. “I love that she’s growing my kid, but these hormones are out of control. It’s like my wife has been body snatched.”
“It can’t be that bad.”
“One second she’s happy, the next she’s crying. When I try to comfort her, she either snaps at me or wants to bone me.” His eyes widened. “I never know what to expect. She told me she’s almost out of the first trimester and it might get easier, but shit.”
“Let me get this straight. You’re bitching because the woman you love wants to fuck you. Sounds rough.”
He punched me in the arm.Damn. “Shut the fuck up.”
“Look. It’ll get easier. I’m sure it can’t be easy growing a person.”
“I know.”
I placed the car in reverse and headed out. “What is she doing today?”