“No one?”
“Nope. You’re the first. Well, besides family, that is.” She smiled. “Don’t go spilling the beans. I’m meeting up with the girls tomorrow for margarita night. I’ll tell them then.”
“Girls’ night?” My ears perked up.
“Yep. It’s a monthly thing that Hales, Steph, and I do.”
“Where do these usually take place?” As soon as the question fell from my lips, I knew it was a weird one, so I turned, took a big swig of my beer, and moved further into the living room. Asher sat on the large couch, feet kicked up on the coffee table.
“Hey man.” I took the seat next to him, leaving the loveseat for Ry and Mason.
“Why do you want to know where girls’ night is?” Rylie asked. Asher chuckled and took a sip of his beer.
Rylie locked in on him.
Oh shit.
“What do you think is funny?” she asked Asher. He smirked in my direction, dropped his feet, and sat up. Elbows resting on his knees, he leaned forward like he was letting her in on some top-secret information.
Which he probably was.
I hadn’t mentioned my crush on Stephanie to anyone but him. And he knew it.The fucker.
Blowing out a breath, I sunk back into the couch. Stephanie was one of Rylie’s best friends. Rylie already thought I was a man whore, and I imagined she wouldn’t want me anywhere near Stephanie. If Ry wasn’t on my side, there was no way in hell I could convince Stephanie to give me a chance.
I hoped to give myself a little more time to convince Stephanie to give me a shot before spilling the beans to them.
“Camden is in love.”
“What?” Rylie squealed. “Who? Do you want me to invite her to girls’ nights? This is so exciting.” She slapped Mason’s arm which rested on her lap protectively.
“She’s already going to be there,” Asher said as I shot him a glare. Rylie’s head whipped in my direction so fast that her braid hit Mason in the face.
“What? Haley?” She guessed, and I laughed at Asher choking on his beer.
“You okay there?” I slapped him a little too hard on the back.
“Shut up,” he grunted, wiping the liquid from his chin. As much as Asher wanted to deny it, he was completely enamored with Haley. And I’m pretty sure she felt the same, but they’re both too stubborn to break out of the friendzone.
I mean, I knew Asher was hesitant because of Nix. Not to mention the last woman he loved died.
I’d be weary too.
Rylie gasped, bringing the attention back to her. “Stephanie?” I swear her voice went up an octave from shock. When I didn’t answer, her jaw popped open. She stared at me for a long moment, the wheels turning in her eyes. “Holy shit.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Nothing?” She waved a hand in Ash’s direction. “He said you’re in love with her.”
“I’m not in love with her.”Yet, anyway.
“No, he just wants to date her.”
Mason cocked his head. “You don’t date.”
“I don’t.” I agreed.