Page 95 of Balls to the Walls

The man didn’t seem all too pleased about me coming aboard, but the beauty standing beside me was staring at me like I was her next meal—and a good kind of meal.

“So, do you always float around the ocean?” she asked.

She sashayed over to me, grabbing the towel I had wrapped around my body and pulled me closer to her. My brain went on the fritz when she pressed her body against mine. Then she pulled at the hem of my shirt and yanked it over my head, forcing me to drop the towel. Her eyes wandered over me appreciatively, then her hands followed the same trail.

“Now I know why you stayed alive out there.”

“Because of my devilishly good looks?” I grinned.

“That and your very muscular body.” She crooked her finger at me as she headed over to a table. “Come sit with me.”

I wasn’t about to argue with that. After all, she was smoking hot. “Do you by chance have some water that doesn’t have salt in it?”

“What kind would you like?”

“Just plain water.”

She snapped her fingers, getting her way immediately. I wasn’t normally amused by the sight of people wielding their power over someone that worked for them, but I wasn’t going to argue right now. I needed hydration. I grabbed the water bottle out of the man’s hand and chugged the whole bottle in just under a minute.

“It must have been so hard out there, staying afloat in the hot sun.”

It didn’t sound like a come-on, but when her foot slid up my leg, then nestled right up against my cock, there was no mistaking what she was after. Thank God, I’d drank the whole bottle, otherwise I would have spit it out in front of her.

“Uh, I should probably introduce myself before we gettooacquainted. I’m FNG,” I said without thinking. “That is—Dean. People just call me FNG, but it’s not a real name.”

“I didn’t think so. I’m Francesca.”

My heart skipped a beat just hearing the way she rolled her r’s. “That’s a beautiful name,” I answered, struggling to sound normal. Christ, I was acting like a seventeen-year-old boy that just saw his first supermodel. It had to be the sun. That’s what was making me act so strange.

I cleared my throat, shifting in my seat to arrange her foot in a way that wasn’t touching my balls. Not that I didn’t like her foot rubbing against me, but it was hard to think straight like this.

“So, Francesca, where are we?”


“Yeah, I sort of got that. I was drifting out there,” I said, jerking my thumb over my shoulder. “This is much more pleasant.”

“I can make it even better,” she whispered, leaning forward to snag a strawberry off the table. “Should I show you?”

My eyes drifted back to the food on the table. It all looked so good, but then again, it would be rude not to take her up on her offer after she rescued me. On the other hand, how was I supposed to perform in the way she needed without sustenance?

“Maybe I could just…grab a bite to eat really quick.”

“Make it very quick,” she said, shoving back her chair. She walked over to the stairs, then glanced back at me. “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”

I nodded in a jerky way, then turned back to the table and loaded up a plate. I was starving, but I also desperately wanted to get downstairs and see what that woman had on the menu for tonight. I stuffed a roll in my mouth and decided that was going to have to be enough for now. I could eat when we were finished.

I rushed over to the stairs and nearly fell down them in my attempt to get to her. I shoved her door open and stumbled inside, yanking the door closed behind me. She was already on the bed, laid out and naked.

I swallowed hard, staring at her beautiful body. Holy shit, this was really going to happen. I was rescued from the water by a sexy raven-haired beauty who wanted to have sex with me. This was the best failed operation I’d ever had! I quickly shucked my shoes and socks, then got to work on my pants. I crawled on the bed, cupping my hand behind her head as I kissed her hard.




“Areyou really down here telling Fox about the moves you put on this woman?” I asked as I walked into the room.