Timeframe a little fuzzy, but it was definitely 22 hours, 13 minutes, and 12 seconds since crossing into Utah…
“I’m Dean.”I held out my hand to the beauty standing in front of me. She didn’t look like she belonged in a place like this. With long, golden hair, a dark tan, and those killer legs, she should be on the runway somewhere. But I wasn’t going to argue if it meant I got to spend some time with her.
“Sarah,” she smiled.
It was like a lightning bolt to my chest. I could feel the song humming in my stomach. Either that or it was the taco I’d eaten from the gas station. But I chose to believe it was her. No woman had ever snagged my attention like this before. Those baby blues had me practically on my knees, begging for her to give me just one chance to show her how good it could be between us.
“Uh…” I laughed nervously. I was totally out of my element. At OPS, I was FNG. I had my weapons and no fear. But out here on the road with no weapons and no backup, I had no self-confidence. “I’m new to the area.”
“I can tell.” Her eyes flicked out the window to my Jeep. “But I like your ride. I could show you around sometime.”
“Really?” I asked, leaning on the counter. “And how much would you charge for that?”
“For you? No charge at all.”
I loved her friendly demeanor, but we had to get one thing straight. “Listen, as much as I’d love to drive around with you, you can’t go offering every guy you meet a tour. What if I was trying to kill you? There are plenty of places to dump a body out here.”
“Oh, I’m not worried about it,” she said, shooting me a sly wink. Then she pulled a gun from her back and pointed it right in my face. “Would you like to know if I’m a good shot?”
Again, I laughed, but only after I grabbed her wrist and wrenched the gun from her hand. “I would gladly let you demonstrate, but let’s not shed blood just yet.”
I handed over her gun just to let her know that she still had a weapon if she needed it. Normally, I would never give someone back their weapon after they pointed it at me. But this girl was harmless for the most part.
“So, is there anywhere in particular you’d like to see?”
I leaned on the counter, grinning at her as I laid on the charm. I had to be smooth about this. If I let on why I was really out here, she’d probably sashay that sweet ass out the door.
“How about someplace with a little history.”
“Are you here about the treasure too?”
I pretended to not know what she was talking about. “Treasure?”
She sighed in exasperation as she pulled a book out from behind the counter. As she flipped through the pages, I watched as her face took on all manner of expressions from humor to disgust to intrigue. She flipped the book around and pointed to the very thing I was searching for.
“Aztec gold? Here?”
“According to legends, but no one has ever found anything.”
“And what makes people so sure there’s gold out here? The gold rush ended a long time ago. Wouldn’t someone have found it by now?”
She glanced over at her manager across the store. He was busy stacking new books on the shelf and wasn’t paying attention to us at all. “Well, from what I understand, the treasure would have been buried in the caves. But that was hundreds of years ago. Just think of how the rivers and caverns would have changed since then. It could be at the bottom of a river now, for all we know.”
“Well, I don’t know much about treasure hunting, but I am all for going on a hike through caves. What do you say you take me out there and show me the best sights?”
She bit her lip, batting her eyes at me. “I get off in an hour.”
I had a feeling I would be too.
“I’ll be back in an hour.”
With a wink, I turned and walked out the door, slipping on my sunglasses. Scanning the area, I was relieved to see I hadn’t been followed. That would make this whole expedition go a lot smoother. But the fact was, I had little to go on. With an hour to kill, I made my way down the rocky terrain to my Jeep and got in. I had just enough time to go back to the motel and check in.