Page 56 of Balls to the Walls

“No storm has ever bestedme, and it never will?” I asked as I ducked down behind the bush.


I glanced over at FNG crouching beside me. “Are you a fucking writer now?”

“I could be.”

“But you’re not. What really happened?”

Shadows moved on the side of the house, pulling my attention from FNG. If I wasn’t careful about this, I would get us killed, along with the one man that risked everything for me.

“I told you what happened. Why does no one believe me?”

“Because you don’t know how to steer a ship,” I retorted.

The whole thing was fucking ridiculous. And instead of doing the job I needed to in silence, I had FNG tagging along behind me. I wasn’t even sure why he was here.

“Shouldn’t you be back with your wife?”

I didn’t wait for his answer. I shot out from behind the bush and followed the men creeping around the side of the house. Pressing my back to the siding, I drew my gun and attached a silencer. No one could know I was here. Least of all, the man inside the house.

“Who are we killing?” FNG said, sneaking up behind me and whispering in my ear.

I nearly jumped, then closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

He huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, like I haven’t heard that in the past year.”

I stared at him like the idiot he was. “Do you know what I’m doing here?”

“Not really. I just jumped in the car when you ran away from me.”

“I ran away for a reason. I don’t give a shit about your stories. I’m here for a job, and you’re fucking that up.”

I snapped my fingers, knowing exactly what he needed. “Okay, so here’s the plan. I’ll go around the other side and pull out my umbrella and give it a few twirls. I’ll have the bad guys so mesmerized that they won’t see you coming. You’ll take down the first one, and I’ll use my umbrella to give the final one-two punch. Then?—”

I held up my hand, stopping him from saying any more. “There will be no distractions, no umbrellas, and no twirling. Am I clear?”

He opened his mouth to argue, but stopped the moment he saw the look on my face. I wasn’t fucking around today. I was here to protect my teammate, not listen to his insane story about weathering a storm.

I peeked around the corner and saw the man at the sliding door. The moment I fired, they’d not only know where I was, but one of them would get away. Jack could never know I was here. He’d kill me if he knew I was checking up on him. I wasn’t even supposed to know his new address.

I turned back to FNG, knowing there was no other way. “Alright, here’s the plan. No guns. We move in fast and take them down. No sound. Got it?”

“Got it, boss.”

I stopped and turned back to him. “I’m not your boss.”

“Right, but you sort of are,” he grinned.

I gritted my teeth, drawing on all the patience I had left in me. “No, I’m really not. Get your ass around the house.”

“Righty-O,” he grinned as he turned. He whisperedbossjust as he rounded the corner. I rolled my eyes and got back into position. As I looked around the corner, I cursed under my breath. They were just slipping into the house. Jack was going to know I was here, and then he’d really kick my ass.

I slipped around the corner, running full tilt for the back door. I couldn’t wait for FNG. I shoved the door open and raced inside, tackling the first man in my path. We landed with a grunt on the kitchen linoleum and his gun skittered across the floor. I didn’t have time to look for the second man as I grabbed the first in a choke hold and wrapped my legs around his arms, ensuring he couldn’t fight me. But I should have been looking for guy number two in the dark.

Suddenly, my air supply was cut off and the urge to fight back shot into overdrive as something sliced into my neck. But the strain around my throat only made my muscles tense around the man in front of me. I could hear his strangled gasps for air and increased the pressure. With every second that passed, I could feel the life draining from my body. The room faded in and out of darkness until all that was left was a dim light in the distance.

And then the pressure was gone and I collapsed to the floor, struggling for every ounce of air as I stared up at the dark ceiling. Jack’s face appeared above me, the anger evident as he knelt down.