“You really think so? It’s totally got me in the mood for some tea and meditating.”
I turned onto the street and pushed through the crowd that had gathered on the sidewalk. “We’re supposed to be catching a killer. Not going to a seance!”
“Boss,” he laughed. “Those are two totally different things.”
“Move!” I shouted, pushing people out of the way as I finally got through the crowd and broke into a flat out run, cutting across the street going east. “Anyone have eyes on the suspects?”
“I’ve got two men heading north on Pine.”
That was just ahead. I ran straight through the intersection, narrowly avoiding being hit by a car. It didn’t sound like FNG was so lucky. Tires squealed and a loud thump sounded from behind me, but I kept pushing it.
“Shit, that hurt,” FNG grumbled. “Don’t worry, boss. I’m good.”
“Then get your ass moving,” I snapped.
I turned the corner, heading down Pine Street. I was never going to make it at this distance. I needed something faster. A cab was headed my way and I flagged it down. But when he slowed, I yanked open the driver’s door and pulled him out.
“I need to borrow your car,” I said as I got in and closed the door.
“Boss!” FNG shouted.
I saw him in the side mirror and started driving. He could catch up.
“Man, that’s not right! I would never leave you behind!”
I slammed on the brakes and gave him two seconds to catch up. After that, he was on his own. He grabbed the handle for the back door and pulled it open, jumping inside.
“Man, I thought you were going to leave me behind,” he laughed.
“I was. You’ve gotten slow.”
“I was hit by a car,” he retorted.
“And when has that ever stopped you?”
“True,” he nodded. “I see your point.”
With one look in the rear view mirror, I saw the blood dripping from his forehead. Okay, I felt a little bad that he was injured.
“Be advised, FNG and I are in a yellow cab in pursuit of the suspects.”
“He just ducked into a building,” IRIS said, his breath huffing out as he ran.
“Which building?” I shouted.
“Parking structure on the west side of the road.”
I slammed on the brakes as I almost passed it, then jerked the wheel and crashed through the rising arm gate at the entrance.
“Boss, you know that’s illegal.”
I glared at FNG in the mirror. “What’s your point?”
“No point. Just saying…”
The tires squealed as I rounded the structure faster than I should have. On the second level, I saw him ahead, trying to break into a car. “I’ve got him on level two. IRIS, what’s your location?”
“Coming at you from the elevators.”