“Stand and make your presence known,” he commanded.
Unsure of what else to do, I turned with FNG and faced the men surrounding us. “What do I do?” I whispered out of the corner of my mouth.
“Make yourself known. Command them.”
My heart pounded in my chest as I tried to come up with the words. Waves of dizziness washed over me as I understood the implications. I was married and taking my rightful place at the head of the family. Though my mouth was dry and my pits were sweating, I knew this was the only way forward.
“I am the daughter of Manuel Ruiz—the one true leader of the Ruiz Cartel. You will obey me or die.”
With every silent second that passed, I feared I’d made the wrong move. On the verge of hyperventilating, one man held me steady through it all. One man forced me to be the woman I was born to be. I held firm as FNG dropped to his knees and bowed his head.
To my utter shock, they all followed, bowing to me as their one true leader. It worked. We were going to be okay.
“Lock,do you have eyes on the girl?” I whispered into comms.
“Negative. I need another minute.”
“She might not have a minute.”
I scanned the windows through the scope of Sally 2. There was a ton of movement on the inside, but from my vantage point, I couldn’t tell who was who. The roof wasn’t going to do it. Decision made, I got to my knees and grabbed Sally 2, slinging her over my shoulder as I snatched the stand from the roof.
“Moving to a better vantage point,” I said, running to the rooftop door.
“Bullseye, we don’t have time,” Eli hissed.
“Make time,” I said, flinging the door open. “I don’t have the shot.”
FNG was hot on my heels, running behind me with my case and additional ammo and weapons. I ran down two flights of stairs before flinging open the door and running down the hall. I counted the doors as I passed, stopping when I got to the second to last door. It was too far from the location across the street. I rushed back one more door and kicked it in without knocking. The old lady inside screamed, tugging her pink robe tighter around her neck as I rushed through her apartment.
“Sorry,” I called out, not bothering to stop and explain.
“What are you doing in my home?” she shouted.
I glanced at the windows, going into the bedroom for a better spot. I jerked the blinds open and scanned the building across the street. This was the perfect spot. I set down the stand and grabbed Sally 2, placing her on it. I grabbed the chair at the vanity next, dragging it across the room to my position. After looking through the scope, I was ready.
“In position.”
“You can’t be in here!” the woman shouted.
“Ma’am, we’re dealing with a hostage situation. We need you to stay in the other room,” FNG explained.
“Hostage situation? I’m the hostage!” she yelled. “Do you see these rollers? Someone will see me like this!”
“FNG, take care of it!” I shouted, needing the silence to concentrate.
“Bullseye, do you have the target?” Lock asked over comms.
“Roger that,” I answered, adjusting the weapon between my hands. I felt the power wash over me, the intensity of the situation that I could only truly feel immersed in when I had Sally by my side.
“Eli, are you in position?”
“Locked and loaded.”
“Lady, you don’t have to call the police. We’re working with them!” FNG shouted.