Page 123 of Balls to the Walls

Slumping down on the couch, he stared down at his hands. “I just thought I was finally getting through to him. I was just having a bad day when I met him! What more do I have to do?”

He perked up instantly. “Yes! That’s exactly the right question. I could get him that new game he wants.”

“You can’t buy his affections.”

Dash’s head jerked in my direction. “I’m not buying his affections. I’m a guy. There’s no affection involved.”

“Excuse me,” FNG cleared his throat. “I’m trying to maintain a calming atmosphere and you’re ruining it with your shouting.”

“One delicious smoothie served to the beautiful Zoe,” Fox grinned, strolling in from the kitchen.

I nearly vomited at the greenish-brown look. “I’m not drinking that.”

“But I went to all the trouble of getting all the proper veggies for you. I sliced each one with love and devotion.”

I couldn’t take the crestfallen look on his face. He really was going all out for me, doing everything possible to make this pregnancy easier on me. “Fine, give it to me.”

His face lit up as he handed over the smoothie. I stared at the contents, wondering how I was going to drink this when my stomach was craving only ice cream. Maybe I could have just a little bit and then eat my ice cream. I would be getting the good stuff and then treating myself for being so good.

I glanced back at Fox and gave a shaky smile. “Here goes nothing.”

I swallowed the first bit of the smoothie, barely holding it down as the overwhelming urge to vomit became more prominent. I slapped a hand over my mouth, squeezing my eyes closed as I tried to hold it in. I was too big to run to the bathroom like I used to when I was only six weeks along. I was now fourteen weeks. I waddled more than ran. You would think I was carrying twins with how big I already was.

“I don’t think that’s a good sign,” FNG said, dropping my foot and stepping back.

“Should we…” Dash glanced at Fox and Cotton warily, then retreated to the door. “I think I need to—” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, then bolted out the door.

“Let me just take that,” Fox said, reaching over my shoulder to snatch the smoothie from my hands.

Cotton returned moments later, saw the look on my face and instantly shoved the bowl of ice cream in front of me. I greedily grabbed the spoon and shoved it in my mouth to wash away the disgusting taste. I closed my eyes and sighed. That was better.

“I can’t believe it,” Fox grumbled. “I thought it would be really good.” He tipped it back and took his own sip before turning and running into the kitchen. I heard him vomit—hopefully in the sink—and smiled to myself.

Digging into my ice cream, I motioned for FNG to continue. “So, finish telling me the story.”

“Like I said, it was nothing.” He knelt down at my feet again and started massaging.

“Come on,” I whined. “I’m fat and severely lacking in entertainment. Please!”

He turned bright red, ducking his head in embarrassment. I didn’t know why. Even if his stories weren’t true, they were quite entertaining.

“Alright, but this stays here,” he said, glaring at everyone in the room.

“Scouts honor,” I said excitedly, shoving another spoonful in my mouth.

“It was everything I imagined my wedding would be. We were on the run with no one to help us. Just the stars and the sand surrounding us…it was something out of a fairy tale.”

“Seriously?” I grimaced. “That’s your dream wedding?”

“Well, it was romantic as hell. I’d just saved her life, killed her father, and taken down part of the cartel. I’d call that a pretty fucking amazing night.”

“Yeah, but not for a wedding.”

“Okay, maybe not, but it was still magical. I knew when I held her in my arms amongst all the bodies that I would never leave her. Even when she started crying as she stared down at the bits of her father that hadn’t been blown up. She wasn’t really sad. It was more of a deep-seated hatred that had festered for too long, and the emotional toll was more than she could stand. I held her in my arms as she cried and kicked the pieces of his corpse out of sight. And love blossomed.”

The way he was staring off into space with a grin on his face was a little disturbing. I didn’t know anyone that bonded over body parts like this. But I wasn’t going to be the one to tell him how fucked up that was.

“Anyway, now that her father was dead, there was nothing left to do but find her mother. The first place to look was at their old house. So, I drove her out there and we knocked on the door. Color me surprised when we found her mother alive and in one piece.” His smile fell and his face turned grim. “That’s where it all went to hell.”