I pulled to a stop outside the ten story building, ignoring the sounds of the police sirens all around me. I wasn’t here to help them in any way. My job was to diffuse the bomb. The city we were currently in had no bomb squad and it would be hours before a team arrived. I was their best chance at diffusing this thing.
I walked around to the back of the minivan and pulled out my gear, shoving it into FNG’s arms as I grabbed the final bag.
“Do you think I made a mistake?” he asked.
I checked my weapon, then reloaded my magazine. “That depends on how the story ends.” I pressed my finger to my ear, checking comms. “Bullseye, you copy?”
“Roger that. I have a position in the northwest building. All clear for entry.”
“That’s a good copy.” I grabbed the rifle and shoved it into FNG’s other hand. “Take that and don’t fucking drop it.”
He shot me an incredulous look. “This isn’t my first time doing this.”
“Could have fooled me. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t call you FNG. What did you say your real name was?”
“Does it matter?” he grumbled. “It’s not like you’ll use it.”
That was true. I shoved past him and headed for the building. “So, did you end up going through with it?” I asked over my shoulder.
Thumper and Slider were already waiting for me at the door. As far as we knew, the building was clear, but that didn’t mean the bomber wasn’t hiding inside somewhere and escaped notice. I nodded to them as I entered, pulling my own gun as we headed to the stairwell.
“I knew it wouldn’t last,” FNG whispered in my ear.
I jerked at the feel of his hot breath on my skin. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“You asked if I went through with it.”
“Now? You want to discuss this now?”
“You asked!”
“Yes, but now we’re about to dismantle a bomb. Maybe now isn’t the best time to talk about it.”
Before he could open his mouth again, I nodded to Thumper as he pulled the door open. Slider was through first, clearing the stairwell up and down before motioning me forward. I kept to the wall as I headed downstairs to the basement. The bomb was located in the elevator shaft, and while the basement wasn’t the last entrance to the shaft, it was the only accessible one. We couldn’t risk opening the doors without knowing what we were dealing with first.
“Crowbars,” I ordered.
FNG set down the bag and pulled out two, then took a position opposite me. We slowly pried open the doors, giving Thumper and Slider the chance to clear the rest of the shaft before we entered. Upon the all clear, I stuck a wedge in the door and got out my gear.
“Well, boys, time to have some fun.” I hooked up my gear to rappel down the cable, then slung my pack over my shoulder. It was time for FNG to have some fun. Thumper and Slider were always with me and they hated it. They didn’t have the same love for explosives that I did. “You’re with me,” I grinned.
I ignored him and grabbed the cable in my hands. Clicking the cable slide into place, I let loose and slid down to the bottom of the shaft, stopping just short of the bomb. After unhooking, I gave a thumbs up to FNG and waited for his slow ass to make his way down here. I held the cable still as he descended, not wanting to accidentally set off the bomb because of his stupidity.
“You good?” I asked when he was finally on the ground.
“Sure. You know, this is good for me. Everyone can use a little extra training.”
“Exactly. So, what do we have here?”
I bent down on my haunches and studied the explosive. It was fairly simple, which really bothered me. If someone wanted to blow up a building, why would they make it so damn simple to diffuse?
“Something’s not right here,” I said, pushing to my feet. “Thumper, you copy?”
“Yeah, what’s going on?”
“This isn’t right. The bomb was made by an amateur at best.”