FNG was cupping the air with his hand as he stayed completely still with his lips pursed in a kiss. He quickly wiped the look off his face and grinned at me.
“Hey, Cash. I was just telling Fox about how I met the white suit.”
“So far, all I’m hearing is that you kissed a woman,” I snapped. “Fox, why is he in the water? And why are you holding jumper cables? I said no damage.”
“Oh, I told him to, boss. We’re…working on perfecting his technique.”
“He doesn’t need to perfect his technique,” I argued. “He’s more than capable.
“Right, but I can’t die, so it’s good practice for him,” FNG said.
A look passed between FNG and Fox for just a moment. Something else was going on, but I didn’t know what it was. Fox was only secretive when he didn’t want to get caught doing something wrong.
“Shut it down. I don’t know what’s going on here, but there’s no way you’re lighting him up just for the fun of it.”
“Well, it’s not just for the fun of it,” Fox grumbled, finally speaking up.
“I thought you didn’t want anything to do with interrogating him.”
“Were you worried about me, boss?” FNG grinned.
“Well, you did just come back and you were talking weird. I had to be sure. No offense.”
“None taken,” he said, still smiling at me. “I like it. In fact, I think you should take it a step further. Make him go all the way with it,” he said, nodding to Fox.
“I’m not going to make him electrocute you.”
“Come on, you know you want to.”
“I really don’t.”
“Yeah, you really do.”
“No, I really don’t.”
“But you do,” he said in a sing-song voice.
Every time he opened his mouth, I did want to send Fox forward with the assignment. But one of us had to be rational.
“Think about it, boss. All those months I was gone, all that crap you had to put up with. Wouldn’t this make you feel so much better?”
“No, it wouldn’t. I wanted answers, and it was stupid to send Fox down here. I knew he wouldn’t get anything out of you.”
Fox’s head snapped up as he glared at me. I saw it coming, that moment when he was about to lose it. I rushed forward, but I was too late. He stabbed the line right into FNG’s pec right as he dropped the other cable into the water. FNG jiggled in his seat as the voltage shot through him.
“Stop! What the fuck are you doing?”
“Is that it?” he shouted over the noise. “You think I’ve lost my edge? That I can’t handle this?”
“No, that’s not what I was saying! Would you stop!” I shouted. When he didn’t release FNG, I ran to the wall and jerked the cable out. The noise died down, but as I spun around, I saw we had another problem on our hands.
I rushed over to FNG, sitting him upright from where he was slumped in his chair. “Hey!” I yelled, slapping him across the face. He didn’t respond. I dragged him off the chair and over to the cement floor. Pressing my fingers to his pulse, I waited to feel even the faintest heartbeat, but there was nothing.
“What the fuck did you do? He just came back to us.”
Fox scoffed. “It’s FNG. He can’t die.”