“Of course he was married. He brought his wife here.”
“No, before that,” he said, shocking the hell out of me.
“Wait, FNG was married before Honey? And he didn’t tell us?”
“I think it might have happened during the year he was gone. Apparently, her name was Francesca.”
“Okay, just a thought. Before we stick electrodes to the guy, how about we run his prints and DNA?” Was I the only one with any common sense?
“We don’t want you to electrocute the guy. Just…interrogate him in your own special way.”
“Yeah, that would involve electrocuting him, and friends don’t let friends electrocute other friends,” I said pointedly.
“I don’t want you to electrocute him. I want you to talk with him like you would a suspect, but without all the scary death threats.”
That would be an interesting idea. I’d never considered just having a conversation with someone that wasn’t strung up. It seemed irrational to waste all that time when there were other faster, more effective ways to get the answers that were needed.
“So, you just want me to talk to him.”
“No acid or dangling from the rafters.”
I frowned. “Can I threaten it? You know, just to get answers. I mean, can I set the stage?”
“I suppose if you think it will get you the answers you need. But I do not condone any actual torture.”
This could be an interesting experiment—a way to test my skills and find out just how good I really was. Of course, it wouldn’t give me the same thrill I got when I saw a man’s skin being peeled away by acid. But I wasn’t really in the mood for that anyway.
The ladies had kept me distracted with babies and godfather duties. Not to mention that torturing a friend was the equivalent of having sex with your sibling. It just wasn’t appealing.
“Alright, I’ll do it. But I need a little time to set the stage. Don’t let him go anywhere.” I turned to leave, but then thought of something. “Maybe you could kidnap him and have him blindfolded for me. Ooh, and maybe you could stick him in a dark room with dripping water.”
“For what reason?” Cash asked.
“To get him in the mood for the interrogation, of course.” I slapped Cash on the arm and walked out. This was going to be good.
I rushed down to my interrogation room and pulled down the chains from the ceiling. After that, I got to work laying out all my tools on the table. I usually did it while my suspect was in the room with me, just so he could have time to think about everything that was about to happen to him. When that was done, I grabbed the wooden chair and set it in a massive metal tub that I had already filled with water and poured in salt for better conductivity.
With just a few finishing touches, my room was exactly how I wanted it. I had the electricity on standby and a mop and bucket in the corner, along with a huge container of bleach. FNG would see right through it. There was no way he’d ever believe that I was going to torture him. But it would be fun to see if he’d play along.
I sent Cash a text to bring FNG in, and then leaned against my workbench with my arms crossed over my chest, trying to keep the smile off my face. Usually, I would smile, but it was that one that let everyone know I was about to do some crazy shit. The smile that was threatening to break across my face right now was more along the lines of a kid having a secret.
The door opened and Cash shoved FNG inside. He was blindfolded as I requested, and his hands were bound behind his back. He grinned when I grabbed him by the arms and led him over to the massive metal bucket.
“Fox, is this what I think this is?”
“It’s exactly what it looks like.”
“Except, I can’t see, so I don’t know what it looks like.”
“You’ll know in a minute.”
I shoved him into the chair that sat at the edge, then dragged it into the center of the miniature pool. With his hands now behind the slats of the chair, he was exactly how I wanted him.
I walked around, keeping my steps silent as I moved. His head twitched in my direction as he followed my movements. A grin spread across his face when I stood in front of him.