Page 81 of Balls to the Walls

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Yes,my stomach did ache, but it wasn’t as bad as I assumed it would be. However, this could work in my favor. I just had to play my cards right. I kept making all the appropriate noises, moaning every once in a while just for effect. And it was working too. The muscle kept looking at me like I would explode at any moment. There was a good possibility I might, but I was pretty sure I had this under control.

We pulled to a stop outside a very luxurious estate on the outskirts of the city. The fountain in the front immediately drew my attention. If it wasn’t for the fact that this man was a criminal, I might actually consider coming to visit him one day.

“The boss wants to see you immediately.”

I saluted the man, keeping my grin hidden. I found it hilarious how uptight they all were. It was like they didn’t know how to have any fun. It reminded me of when I first started working at OPS after those two years of working at the vineyard. That first thrilling adventure I went on, the one where I nearly got blown up by an RPG, was the first time in years I’d felt alive. I couldn’t imagine walking around here with a stone-cold look on my face and always walking with my hands crossed in front of me. They had clearly seen one too many action movies.

“This way,” the man said, guiding me to the house. I noted that we didn’t go in the front door. That was reserved for guests, which I clearly was not. We went around back and past the house to a smaller house. It was fancy on the outside, but I was pretty sure the inside was set up for interrogations.

The door opened and the smooth suit stood inside, smiling like he knew something I didn’t. But the shoe was on the other foot this time. He didn’t know it yet, but I had the upper hand in this game.

“Mr. Helmer,” he said, slowly walking toward me. “It’s so nice of you to join me at my home.”

“It’s my pleasure. I just loved the fountain.”

“It was a piece my late wife commissioned. Sadly, she died.”

“That’s a shame.”

He fidgeted with the cuff of his suit. “Yes, she was sleeping with another man behind my back. Now, they are sleeping together for all eternity.”

I laughed out loud because…well, it was funny. But apparently, he didn’t think so. He and his goons looked at me like I was crazy.

“I think you don’t understand why you are here, Mr. Helmer.”

“Oh, I understand,” I nodded. “You want to get all the information you can out of me.”

“And you don’t think I can achieve that,” he smiled.

“Well…I don’t like to brag, but I’m kind of hard to break.” I winced at a stomach cramp. It wasn’t really that bad, but I played it up anyway for their benefit.

“Something wrong?”

“Nah, just made the mistake of drinking the local water.”

“Oh, that can be an unpleasant experience.”

“I take it you’ve experienced it also.”

“Debilitating cramps, sweating, nausea, diarrhea…the list goes on and on. However, so do the effects, and it can make it very…uncomfortable.”

“Much like this conversation,” I grinned. “There’s nothing that brings two people together quite like the talk of bowel movements.”

The man never flinched. He thought he was larger than life, that nothing could touch him. That might have been true in the past, but I was here now. And the one thing he didn’t count on was me having a plan.

“You know, I didn’t even get your name.”

“I thought for sure your agency would have told you,” he answered.

“Oh, I’m not with an agency.”

“Sure,” he laughed.

“No, really. You can check it out. They didn’t want me. Something about being too reckless and unable to follow rules. And there may have been something in there about a cavalier attitude. I don’t know. It all sounded like bullshit to me. They really know how to screw the man.”

He studied me for a moment, then nodded to one of his men, who left immediately. They wouldn’t find me in their database, and then the fun would begin. Who was I working for? What was my objective? Yada, yada, yada. They wouldn’t get any answers out of me because they wouldn’t be able to break me.