Page 72 of Balls to the Walls

“I just want to look good today. I have a date.”

“With who?”

“Don’t know. It’s a blind date.”

I walked out of the bathroom and whistled as I turned down the hall and shoved open my door.

“What about that chick Miranda?”

“You know about her?” I asked over my shoulder.

“Uh…remember? I interrupted you the other night when I needed a condom?”

I walked over to my closet and scoured through the dozens of shirts hanging up, trying to decide which one to choose. A dozen white button-down shirts hung in a line, followed by a dozen black shirts. Then there were the blue tones, all of which brought out my eyes.

“So, what happened with her?”

I chose the light blue, snagging it off the hanger. I undid all the buttons, then shrugged it on over my white tank. “With Miranda?”


A whole hell of a lot. Not that it mattered. We were interrupted twice and she decided we weren’t meant to be. The shitty part was, we had great chemistry. It took me weeks to get her to give me another shot.

“She’s just a chick,” I responded.

“That’s not what I heard.”

“Well, you heard wrong.”

I tucked in my shirt, then walked over to the carousel of ties hanging in the corner of the closet. I didn’t want to be too matchy-matchy. Yellow would really pop, but might be too bright. I grabbed two ties and turned to face him. “What do you think of these?”

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You want me to choose?”

“Give your opinion. Just because you choose one doesn’t mean that’s the one I’ll wear.”

“Then why even bother asking?” he said in irritation.

“Because I want to know. What color tie did you wear to your wedding?”

“I wore a shredded t-shirt and jeans.”

What the fuck? “To your wedding? How could you do that?”

“Well, I had just been stabbed with a stake. It didn’t seem to matter at the time.”

“The stake you showed up here with?”

He nodded. “So?”

“So, that thing was in you for a very long time. How did you just walk around with it sticking out of you?”

“Very carefully. Go with the blue and silver. It’ll make you look like less of a douche.”

I frowned as I looked at the tie. I liked it, but I didn’t think it was the better choice. “Why not the yellow?”

“Because itwillmake you look like a douche.”

“Then what about this one,” I said, snagging a third option from the carousel.