Page 126 of Balls to the Walls

“They can track us wherever we go. How will we escape?”

His brows furrowed thoughtfully as he considered this. “The church.”

“The church?”

“Yes, we’ll ask for sanctuary while we formulate a plan.”

“I really doubt the church will protect us from the cartels.”

“It’s the only plan we’ve got,” he said, hopping to his feet as he staggered a few steps. His grip was tight around my hand as he pulled me to the nearest vehicle. “But we need to leave now.”

He shoved me into the passenger seat and ran around to get in the other side. The tires kicked up gravel and dirt and we tore down the road to the nearest church. If memory served right, there was one less than five miles away. I could almost hear the bells as they rang for early morning mass.

“There!” I shouted, pointing at the fork in the road. “Go right.”

He jerked the wheel, taking us down the road of illumination. In just a few minutes, my memories came rushing back to me. Me in a white dress with a blue bow tied at the waist. My mother holding my hand as she walked into the church with a large hat shadowing her face. All of the congregation turned to face us, terror etched in their faces. And now I understood why.

“We’ve got company,” FNG said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I saw the headlights in the mirror barreling down on us. “We don’t have much time!”

“Then let’s make it count.”

He spun the wheel, slamming on the gas as he turned into the empty parking lot. At this hour, there wasn’t a soul in sight. As soon as he hit the brakes, I was flinging the door open and rushing for the front door with FNG hot on my heels. As I pushed the front doors open, the candlelight in the distance drew my gaze.

“There!” I shouted, pointing to the old man kneeling before God.

Hand in hand, we ran down the aisle, all too aware that these could be our last moments.

“Father!” I called out, stumbling to a stop just feet from him. He slowly got up and turned to face me.


“Father, it’s me,” I said breathlessly. He was still here after all these years, and as he studied my face, I saw the moment of recognition flare in his eyes.

“Could it be?”

“Yes, Father. We’re seeking sanctuary.”

“From your mother?”

“She’s dead,” I answered bluntly. “But other members of the cartel are upon us. Please, Father, will you help us?”

He glanced over my shoulder, he lifted the stole from around his neck. “Clasp hands,” he ordered us.

I grabbed FNG’s hand and placed it over mine. Father wrapped the stole around our joined hands, then closed his eyes and began to pray. I wasn’t sure of what he was doing. I was too worried about the men chasing us. With a quick look over my shoulder, I knew we were out of time as they rushed inside, guns drawn. But as they saw what was happening, they suddenly stopped, bowing at the end of the aisle.

The Father continued to speak, but I zoned out, completely focused on the men here to kill us. Whatever was happening, the men didn’t move an inch.

“You shall move forth into your new life as husband and wife.”

“What?” I gasped, turning to FNG.

“Yeah, what?”

“In God’s eyes, you are now married, my child. Use this strength to fight your enemies in the name of God.”

My jaw dropped at the declaration. He didn’t even know our names! Well, he probably recognized me, but he didn’t know my…husband. Was this even legal?