Page 125 of Balls to the Walls

“You mean the man you just killed?” Her eyes flicked to FNG. “He was very useful. It’s a shame he has to die.”

“No,” I said fiercely. I tore my arm away from the man holding me and rushed to FNG, placing my body over his. “You will not touch him.”

“I would love to see you stop me,” she laughed. “Then again, you both could still be useful. For years, I used your father as the face of the family. He only acted strong, but in reality, he was a weak, pathetic man. Tell me, could your beloved FNG be the man your father never was?”

I couldn’t believe my ears. My father wasn’t the tyrant I always assumed he was. He’d only been the face of the cartel while my mother led the charge. What kind of messed up family did I come from? And now she wanted me to continue with her legacy, using FNG as some kind of…beard for me?

“He would never be as weak as my father,” I hissed. “He’s a good man, a strong man.”

“Darling, they all say that. But when you need them, they don’t come through.”

Not FNG. I hadn’t known him long. I really didn’t know him at all, but one thing burned deep in my gut. He was a man who would never let me down. He was there for me when I needed him, and I would defend him with my life and get us out of here. I just didn’t know how yet.

“So, you’re going to kill me if I don’t do what you ask?”

She stared at me intently, then waved her hand at the guard. “Take them away. She is not prepared to do what is necessary.”

The man grabbed my arm, jerking me toward him. Something snapped inside me. My mind floated above my body, watching how the scene would play out. Suddenly, I wasn’t the girl that grew up in Texas. I was a warrior, determined to overcome evil and destroy those that would decimate my world.

With an answering grin, I wrenched my arm up and turned, slamming the heel of my hand into the man’s chest with lightning speed. He jerked backward, his face contorted in shock as he fell. In one swift move, I snatched the gun from his side and spun, firing round after round at the men surrounding the woman I used to call mother.

They dropped like flies, not even having enough time to draw their weapons. And amidst the fog of gunfire stood my mother, watching me take down her empire one by one. I felt a prickle of awareness on the back of my neck right before I heard the shot being fired. I dove to the side, rolling as I leveled my gun at the man who dared to fire upon me. With a single shot, I took him down. Just one bullet that hit him in the center of his forehead and ended his miserable life.

Silence descended upon us as the smoke from the gun filled the air. Only two were left standing—me and my mother. She held her head high as she watched me walk to my new throne, the one she’d resided on for way too long. With a soft smile touching her lips, I could almost remember the warm hugs and loving kisses she gave me as a child. But that time had passed. I was no longer the woman that bowed to others and allowed people to push me around. I was a warrior, a new-ageXena: Warrior Princess. I would not yield my kingdom.

“Goodbye, Mother.”

I raised the gun, aiming at her face, and pulled the trigger. The smile was still etched on her face as she crumbled to the ground. I gasped, sucking in a breath as my shaky hand lowered the weapon. I just killed my mother, my last living relative. I was all alone in this world.

“Holy fuck,” FNG groaned, rolling over on the ground.

I rushed over to him, dropping my gun in the gravel as I pulled him to a sitting position. Cupping his face, I studied him through teary eyes. “Are you okay?” I cried.

“What the hell happened?” His eyes took in the gory scene, finally landing on my mother. “Who did this?”

“Um…” I let out a watery chuckle that turned into hysterical laughter.

He clutched me by the elbows, pulling me against him. He rocked me back and forth as my laughter turned into ugly sobs. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll get whoever did this.”

“I did this,” I cried, beating my fist against his back. “I lost it. I killed my own mother!”

“You did all that?” He asked incredulously. “What the fuck—I mean…it’s okay. We all go a little crazy sometimes.”

I pulled back, swiping the tears from my eyes. “Yeah?”

“Totally. I mean…” His eyes wandered over the destruction again and he turned to me with a quirky smile. “It’s totally normal.”

“You’re sure?”

“They’re gonna love you back home.”

The watery smile I gave him perfectly matched the way I felt inside. I was happy it was over, but crying over the loss of what I hoped to be a perfect reunion. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I mean—maybe leave out the part where I was unconscious on the ground the whole time. That doesn’t make me look very good.”

“Or it makes you even more amazing because you have this kickass woman who took down her evil mother.”

“Speaking of which, I doubt this is all of them. We should probably leave before they catch up with us.”