I hover a hand over my mouth. “No way.”

He looks up, biting his lip. The corners of his mouth tug upward and he nods.

My cheeks flash hot pink, and we both let out nervous laughter.

Parker throws a thumb over his shoulder. “Think you’re ready to go back to the table?”

I push my hands into my stomach. “Oh gosh. I don’t think so. That was humiliating. And then I ran off like a big baby. I don’t think I could handle facing whatever they have loaded to say to me.”

“Whatever they say, I’ll throw it back on them. I know how to handle my friends.”

“Is teasing each other all you guys do?”

Parker chuckles. “Pretty much. Whether were on skateboards, playing video games, or eating lunch, we’re always ribbing each other.”

I sigh out. “I’m not used to them. It’s a lot, especially knowing I’ll be hanging out with them without the escape of classes.”

“You’ll be fine. Going to Logan’s Point is just a way for you to hang with Lewis, and for me to get time with Yvette.”

“This is all becoming too much. I need to go to the library and meet up with Josie.”

Parker throws an arm out in front of me. “You can’t do that. I need you.”

“I need to talk with my best friend. This is a lot.”

“Can’t you just stay until we make a solid plan to double date with Lewis and Yvette?”

I gulp. “You need me for that?”

Parker rolls his eyes. “I can’t very well make a double date without my girlfriend by my side, can I?”

“Ugh. Let’s just make it quick.”

“Can you at least act like you’re happy to be by my side?”

I fake a smile and let Parker put his hand on my back as we walk back to the lunch table.

As we approach the table, Jamie and Kai leave toward the cafeteria exit. Tabitha also moves away from the table, meeting us in the aisle.

“Oh good,” she says with a hopeful smile. “I was coming over to bring you back to the table.”

I turn to Parker with an uneasy look. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to respond.

Tabitha gestures at their lunch table. “I was talking to the others and we know we should apologize. It just got a little insane, you know? We were just surprised to see you two together.”

Parker curls an arm around me. “We were talking about how happy we are to be a big joke to everyone.”

Tabitha’s face falls. “We never should’ve pressured you guys into proving your relationship.” She motions at the table again, summoning invisible support. “We all feel icky about you having to kiss in front of us.”

I lean into Parker, feeling woozy again.

“I’m sorry you guys felt like you had to do that.” She locks eyes with me and displays a sympathetic smile. “I would’ve made a run for it too.”

Tabitha’s genuineness puts me at ease, and I stand taller. I pull away from Parker, but he hooks me closer.

His chest puffs and he stares down Tabitha. “Maybe you should’ve thought about that before you started grilling us.”

“Whoa.” Tabitha lifts her palms, taking a step back. “I’m trying to apologize.”