The air hits me, but Yvette’s hand doesn’t connect.
Two hands land on my shoulders, and I open my eyes to see another hand holding back Yvette’s arm.
I blink as Lewis holds Yvette’s arm. She stomps her foot in protest.
Before I can look behind me, whoever’s holding my shoulders pulls me to the side. I pant my breaths as I turn to see Parker moving me to a safe distance.
“It’s not Kylie’s fault your single,” Lewis says to Yvette. “It’s not my fault, or your exes’ fault. You’re the reason you jump from boyfriend to boyfriend. It’s because no one can stand to get to know the real you.”
Yvette gasps at the brutality of his words. Her eyes water and her bottom lip throbs. She emits a whimper and then turns on her heels and bolts up the hallway.
My panting causes my chest to rapidly rise and fall. “She was about to slap me.”
“She was hurt to hear about you and Lewis,” Parker says.
I glance at Lewis and then back at Parker. “What about me and Lewis?”
Parker gestures between us. “How you and he...”
My eyebrow raises and I stare at Lewis with my hands on my hips. “What exactly did you tell them?”
Guilt colors Lewis’s face. “I told you I wanted to save face.”
“Wait,” Parker draws out the word. “You two aren’t...”
I turn to him with all the sincerity I can muster. “No. Never.”
Parker’s eyebrows raise as Lewis slinks away. “Why not?”
My mouth runs dry. “Because... Because....”
I look away, hating myself for not being braver.
Parker hooks a finger under my chin and lifts my gaze. “Why not?”
I swallow hard and sniff. “Because I’m in love with you.”
His eyes lift up and a smile spreads across his lips. “You are?”
His hands cup the sides of my face. “Oh, thank goodness.”
“When I told Yvie I couldn’t be with her, I was hoping and praying that you...”
“What?” I blurt. “You and Yvie aren’t together?”
He grins, running his hands down to my shoulders and giving them a squeeze. “Kylie Green, I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re the only person who sees me as I really am. I am so freaking in love with you.”
My heart practically explodes into confetti.
My brain catches up, taking in the magnitude of his words.
From the corner of my eye, I spy Josie in the crowd of onlookers. Her hands clasp over her chest and her mouth pouts in awe.
“I’ve been so scared,” Parker whispers. “When you didn’t reply to any of my texts, I thought I’d lost you as a friend. That hurt the most.”