“Good, because you’re awesome just how you are.”
I sigh, staring at the stuffed bunny, lying on its side on the carpet. “That’s what Parker would say.”
With each passing hourof my Sunday morning shift at the café, my health declines. Whenever I take a pancake stack to a table, my stomach does somersaults. Now, standing at the counter, my nerves frazzle every time the door opens. My forehead is slick with sweat and my back aches with the torture of anticipation.
Jamie sidles up to me. “Umm, hey. So, umm, how are you, ah...”
I give her a dubious look. “Why are you being so awkward?”
She huffs, hunching forward. “The break up. How are you doing?”
Good, blunt Jamie is back. “I’m hanging in there.”
“You don’t need to keep watching the door,” Jamie says. “I’ve given the boys strict instructions not to come here today.”
“You did?”
She nods. “Kai had them all go over to his place and they’re having a video game marathon. I’m heading over after work.”
I exhale hard. “Okay, good. I don’t know what I’d do if I saw any of them today. I’m a bit embarrassed that they all witnessed the break up.”
“Don’t be embarrassed. No one thinks badly of you. It’s Parker who’s the grade-A moron.” Her frown is tight as she shakes her head. “I always knew Parker was an idiot. Lewis and Yvette ending their relationship was easy to see coming, but you and Parker... Nope. It makes zero sense.”
“Well, you didn’t know everything that happened between us. With full context, it makes sense.”
“Well, I know about his stupid crush on Yvette, and that’s enough for me to label him an idiot.”
I laugh, which eases my nerves. “Well, thanks, Jamie.”
“Milo was telling me he and the guys tried to talk sense into Parker after we left the campsite,” Jamie says. “Apparently he was being super vague and cagey. Makes sense to me, because he has no good reason to break up with you.”
“That’s sweet, but I don’t want everyone treating him differently. Me and him just didn’t work out, and that’s fine. I don’t want anyone to stop being friends with him.”
“You’re sticking up for him?”