She gasps. “Huh?”
“We got together because our crushes were dating.” I swallow hard, humiliation weighing me down. “We were trying to break them up.”
“There’s no way.”
I nod. “It’s the truth. I wanted to pretend because I was into Lewis, but he had a girlfriend.”
“So you fabricated your feelings for Parker to mend your broken heart?”
“Pretty much. It was a stupid idea. Now I feel like I lost something so great, even though we made it all up. We weren’t really in love. It’s just hard to remember that it was all fake.”
“Are you sure it was all fake?”
“Yes,” I rush. “Josie told me what I was doing was toxic and she was right. It blew up in my face.”
“I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me this.” Tess’s eyes water. “Now I feel like this secrecy has hurt you ever worse than a night in the quarry ever could.”
I wrap an arm around her. “Don’t do that. Your pain was real.”
“But I always cut you off when you spoke about your crush. I haven’t been here for you.”
“It’s okay. I was such a mess when I tried to explain this fake relationship to Josie. I don’t think I could’ve ever gotten it across to you.” I sigh. “Besides, the plan was to end the relationship as soon as possible. Then he could be with Yvie, and I could be with Lewis.”
“Okay, so you and Parker agreed to do this for mutual gains?” she asks, piecing this together. “But you don’t want to be with Lewis despite spending time with him today?”
“It just didn’t feel right. My heart doesn’t belong to him.”
Sadness droops her face. “But it does to Parker?”
I nod. “And he’s already with another girl.”
“You saw them together?”
“No. His car was parked outside her house.”
Tess sniffs back her tears and pulls me into a hug. “Oh, Kikki, your poor heart. I’m so sorry.”
I hug her back. “I’m sorry for keeping this from you. I want to be able to talk to you about this stuff.”
“I’m always going to be protective of you,” Tess whispers. “But I want us to be open. I want to know when you’re hurting and when you’re giddy, no matter who the guy is.”
“Right now, I’m hurting and giddy over the same guy.”
She pulls out of the hug and wipes under my eyes. “How are you feeling about going back to school?”
“Dreading it,” I mutter. “And I’m insanely scared about tomorrow. Parker usually comes into the café during my Sunday shift.”
“Can you text him not to come?” Tess suggests.
I shake my head. “I can’t reply to his text. Not when I know he’s currently with Yvette.”
Determination narrows Tess’s gaze. “He’d be a fool to walk into the café withheron his arm.”
I press a hand into my churning stomach. “The thought of his hands anywhere near her is sickening enough.”
Tess squeezes me into another hug. “Are you going to be okay? You’re not turning into a rebellious teen, are you?”
I mumble a laugh. “No, I swear I haven’t changed my personality.”