I frown, rearing my head back.

“She’s begging for a friend,” Parker says enthusiastically. “Why don’t you get close to her and use what she tells you to your advantage?”

I grimace. “Umm, because that sounds slimy.”

He nudges me. “I’ll tell you what Lewis says.”

“I don’t want to go behind his back.”

“You basically are behind his back because he doesn’t know you have a crush on him.”

I fiddle with the hem of my T-shirt. “He doesn’t?”

Of course, he doesn’t.

He doesn’t live in my head with me.

“But he can,” Parker says optimistically. “I can help him see you.”

My stomach sloshes. “By dating me?”

He shrugs. “By saying aloud how amazing you are. If I start talking about how cute and talented you are, Lewis will take notice.”

My face flushes. “Cute? Talented? Me?”

“When I’m through, those are the words Lewis will think of when he hears the name Kylie Green.”

I shiver at the thought.

Parker grins. “I need to talk you up so Lewis will dump Yvette for you.”

I wave my hands and back away. “Okay, this is crazy. He’d never do that. Who’d give up Yvette to be with me?”

“Would you stop,” Parker says, moving toward me and clasping one of my wrists. “This won’t work if you put yourself down. Why can’t you be with Lewis? If you stop isolating yourself by being so freaking shy, you can get his attention. I promise.”

“How can you promise that? School’s almost over.”

Parker winks, grinning. “That’s because you’re my girlfriend, and my girlfriend will be hanging with me and my friends during spring break.”

I gulp. “You want me to hang out with your friends?”

Parker smirks. “You rock climb, hike, and canoe, right?”

Dizziness sends my head spinning, and I lean against a shop front to keep me upright.

Parker rubs my shoulder. “Chill. You don’t need to be an adventure pro.”

I chew my lip. “But it would impress Lewis if I was?”

He lifts his hand off me. “It wouldn’t hurt.”

I push a hand into my feeble stomach. “Then I guess I have to try.”

“Good, because I don’t want to come back after spring break and sit across from the lovebirds. It’ll be hard enough watching them cozy up when we’re all hanging out.”

“And you really think we can get through that?” My teeth clench as I take a beat. “Together?”

“I’m counting on it.”