Why did he tell Yvette he was here? Did he want their fight to escalate? Besides, he wasn’t taking any words of wisdom from me. I barely said anything he didn’t already know. Was he just here to make Yvette jealous?

Lewis was already annoyed that Parker was hanging out with her.

Was this just tit for tat?

Ugh. I’m so over being used as a prop to get that girl’s attention.

I go back into the kitchen to take out my frustrations by cleaning the counters. Once I’m finished cleaning, have packed up my baked goods, and brought my overnight bag downstairs, it’s time for Parker to pick me up.

“Hey,” he says with a happy smile. “How are you?”

“Good, now that I get to see you.”

He takes my bag for me. “You’re not sick of me?”

“Not yet.” I say, stepping onto the porch with him.

“So, I have no idea if I’m supposed to pick up Yvie or not.”

My mood sinks. “Lewis was over here before, complaining that he still hadn’t heard from her.”

“He talked to you about that?”

I nod. “He said he wanted my advice, but I don’t think I told him anything helpful. He managed to get her to answer the phone, and then totally sabotaged it by telling her he was with me.”

“Whoa. Is he trying to make Yvie jealous, or you?”

“All he did was successfully give me a headache.”

Parker stops on the footpath and lowers his voice, “Hey, if Yvette’s not coming, do you want to tell Lewis we’re broken up? I don’t want to hold you back from taking your shot.”

My mouth opens to answer, but nothing comes out. I stare up into his sunlit brown eyes and I’m paralyzed.

Do I want this to be over?

Something deep inside me says no.

Lewis’s front door bursts open, and he calls out, “The world’s not over.”

Parker gives him a quizzical look. “What’s that, man?”

Lewis hikes his bag over his shoulder, moving toward the curb with us. “Yvie’s still coming. Her brother’s driving her to the camping spot.”

“She doesn’t want to come with us?” Parker asks.

“She said she’d meet us there,” Lewis replies. “I don’t want to push it. I’m just relieved she’s agreed to come.”

Me too.


Who’s voice is that in my head?

Regardless, I find myself smiling.

At least the trip into the mountains will be peaceful without Yvette around.

On the drive, Parker turns on the stereo and skips the tracks until a Frontier Leaders song plays. We share a glance with mirrored smiles, and I settle into my seat.