I shrug. “Parker told me he spent time with Yvie.”
Lewis’s eyebrow raises. “He did?”
“Yeah. On our date last night.”
“You still went out with him? After he was with Yvie?”
“Yeah. We were having dinner with his family.”
“Whoa. You met his family? I can’t even get in the door at Yvie’s.”
I show Lewis into the living room and we share a couch. “I thought you hung out at Yvie’s house on Sunday when you didn’t come for pancakes.”
“Yeah, but after she complained about me to her brother, he’s roaming their house like a bodyguard.”
“Oh. She’s really put a wall between you two.”
“I’ve barely spoken to Yvie since the night of the fair. And I can’t even drive over there.”
“Maybe it wouldn’t be the best idea to drive when you’re upset, anyway.”
His eyebrow lifts. “You think I’m a bad driver? That accident wasn’t my fault. Not that anyone believes me.”
I raise my palms. “I wasn’t saying you were a bad driver. Just that the situation is tense.”
Lewis checks his phone, sighing. “I’ve been texting her, but she still hasn’t replied. I just want her to call me back.”
“So you don’t know if she’s going on the trip today?”
He shakes his head. “No idea. Man, if you saw my texts, you’d totally call me a beggar.”
“You’ve been begging her to go?”
A nervous laugh whispers out of him. “Yeah. The digital version of getting on my knees.”
I press my hand into my uneasy stomach. “Does she still think something happened between you and me?”
“Maybe. That’s what caused this whole problem.”
“But we haven’t been hanging out.”
“Hasn’t stopped her from ignoring me.” Lewis huffs, hanging his head in his hands. “Do you know what she and Parker talked about?”
“Us.” I swallow hard. “She wanted to know if Parker suspected anything was happening between you and me.”
“Whoa. Parker told you that?” He sits back in awe. “You two must have good communication. How do I get that with Yvie?”
Maybe start a fake relationship so all your cards are on the table from the beginning. “I don’t know. I’m no relationship expert.”
“I don’t know about that. You seem to have entranced Parker. It’s like all his thoughts are about you.”
“No way.”
“Yes way. He’s always defending you to our friends, and making sure you’re included. He’s nuts about you.”
“I dunno. He might still think about Yvie.”
“He makes me think that maybe all my thoughts shouldn’t be on Yvie.”