“So, I never noticedyou liked Lewis before,” Parker says, scuffing his shoe against the Main Street pavement. “Is it a recent thing?”
I clear my throat as the heat of embarrassment coats the back of my neck. “Uh, no. I’ve liked him since he moved to town.”
Parker’s eyebrows raise. “He’s lived here for like a year and half.”
I shrug, shying my face away from him. “Yeah.”
Parker shakes out his shoulders. “Okay, no biggy. Maybe you just never had pressure to make something happen before. Do you really want to be with him?”
I turn my body toward him and look him square in the eyes. “Of course, I do. He’s the only boy I want.”
Parker grins. “Okay, let’s make this happen.”
“Are you sure you can get Yvette’s attention? No offense, but every boy in our grade has his eye on her.”
“Oh, Kylie, you underestimate me.”
I snigger. “If you say so.”
“So I have a crush on her because she’s beautiful,” Parker replies. “So, what? Like your crush didn’t start because you think Lewis is hot.”
I scoff, folding my arms. “My crush is more than that.”
Intrigue flashes on his face. “Enlighten me.”
“Okay, so, yes, I thought he was cute, but that’s not what made me fall for him,” I reply. “It was because... Uh, don’t worry. It’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not. If it’s your crush, it’s not stupid.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose, squinting as I turn away from him. “He liked my baking, and that’s what did it.”
“Your baking?”
I throw a thumb back toward the café. “I bake some of the sweets at Morton’s Café.”
His eyes light up. “You make them? Wow, you’re really good.”
“Thanks.” I blush. “Anyway, I bake for most occasions. When Lewis’s family moved in next door, I took dessert over for his family.”
“Whoa,” Parker drags out the word. “You’ve liked him since he first moved in?”
“This is an epic crush.” He holds out his pinky. “I swear, I’ll help you land him.”
I giggle. “A pinky swear?”
“Hey, if your crush has lasted this long, it needs a happy ending.”
I link my pinky with his. “I’ll pinky swear to that.”
When we let go, Parker snaps his fingers. “I’ve got step one of our plan.”